How can we prevent Aids? (English + Chinese) (10)

2006-12-31 5:43 pm
How can we prevent it? Please enter English and Chinese~

Thank you very much!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

回答 (1)

2006-12-31 8:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案



How is HIV transmitted?
You cannot get AIDS unless you are infected with the virus HIV. HIV is transmitted when blood, semen or vaginal secretions are passed from an infected person into the body of another person. This happens in the following ways:
Vaginal and anal sex without a condom are the most common way of transmitting HIV for both men and women. Oral sex can also be risky but not to the same degree.
Sharing needles and syringes during intravenous drug use can inject HIV directly into your bloodstream.
Babies can acquire HIV from their mother during pregnancy, birth or through breast-feeding.
Since 1985, all blood donations in Hong Kong have been screened. Giving or receiving blood in Hong Kong is safe. Receiving blood in countries where the blood supply is not properly screened is not safe.

Under what circumstances is HIV not transmitted?
You cannot get HIV from kissing, mosquito bites, touching, shaking hands, hugging, coughs or sneezes, saliva, cups, bowls, chopsticks, food and drinks, toilet seats, swimming pools, telephones or money.

Is there a 100% safe way to prevent infection?
If you decide never to have sex, never to share a needle and make sure you avoid requiring an emergency blood transfusion in a country which doesn't screen its blood supply, you are unlikely ever to be infected with HIV. Unfortunately, most individuals, at some point in their lives will be sexually active. Some individuals become dependent on drugs. Often, the best that we can do is to reduce our risk of HIV infection rather than remove it altogether.

What are the symptoms of AIDS?
You can have HIV for many years before it damages your immune system enough for you to start getting sick. During this period (which could be ten years or more) there will be no visible symptoms. Early symptoms that the immune system is deteriorating include persistent diarrhea, persistent dry cough, night sweats, fatigue, weight loss, and persistent swollen glands. These symptoms are all extremely common and do not mean that a person definitely has AIDS or HIV. In the later stages of HIV infection a person is vulnerable to all sorts of infections affecting the skin, the lungs, the eyes, the gut and even the brain.

How do I know if I am infected?
The only way to know if you're infected is to get tested. But remember, the test does not test for AIDS, it tests for HIV antibodies. It can take your body up to three months after infection with HIV to produce a detectable quantity of HIV antibodies. So you should wait for three months from the time you think you might have been exposed before taking the test. A test result within three months after a risky experience will not be reliable.

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