我對SONY喇叭(擴音器)突然間變得沙聲, 點算?

2006-12-31 10:28 am
對SONY喇叭本來幾好聲, 價錢$800
最近有一邊喇叭出低音時會變得沙聲, 請問是甚麼問題, 可不可以修理好

回答 (3)

2006-12-31 10:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
可能是低音有問題, 可以去SONY修理好.
2007-01-01 9:14 am
問題如下 :
1 出低音嘅單元已經壞了
2 Volume control 有問題
參考: 我自己試過這故障更換woofer之後ok
2006-12-31 10:50 am
three possible causes:
1. check your cable connection behind the speaker. loose connection is very possible.
2. The internal cable connection may have loose connection. U can either check it yourselves by remove the woofer (bass speaker unit) from the speaker box or sent it to repair center.
3. cause by other equipment of your audio chain. Switch left and right speaker to see whether the problem persists. If so, probably cause by ur amp. (also check the connection between the speaker and the amp.)

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