我想找外籍人仕 1 對 1 教授英文 (20 分)

2006-12-31 9:27 am
已差不多到wall street institute 畢業了,
英文程度已不差, 但想更進一步
找外籍人仕 1 對 1 教授英文, 操oral 及listening
我知英國語文學校有個人教授, 不知到師資好不好...

回答 (1)

2007-01-14 12:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
There are many native-speakers teaching English in HK. But do expect to pay somewhere between HK$350 - HK$700 per hour for the service.

You can try rachel@sophislearning.com - she is an excellent teacher with plenty of experience in teaching Hong Kongers.

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