
2006-12-31 8:13 am

回答 (2)

2006-12-31 8:32 am
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   繼十九世紀末葉,注重個性發揮的後期印象派之後,二十世紀初葉,首先崛起的一個 畫派就是「野獸派」。
   野獸派是產生於法國巴黎的鬆散美術團體,並無共同的宣言和目標,其名稱是在畫展評論中偶然產生的。當1905年,巴黎的「秋季沙龍」舉行之際,一群反抗學院派的青年畫家,紛紛提出個性強烈而自由奔放的作品參展;當批評家 Vauxcelles (沃克塞爾)看到這群青年畫家的激烈繪畫時頗為讚賞,且在此展覽室的中央,剛好陳列了雕 刻家 Marque (馬爾克)所作的一件接近杜那得勒風格的雕刻<小孩的頭像>,於是 Vauxcelles 指著這件雕像說:「看!野獸裡的杜那得勒。」於是野獸的稱呼便被用來指這群青年畫家。
   野獸派之注重純粹造形的表現,可以說是得自非洲黑人雕刻藝術的啟示。 承自印象派的色彩理論及高更、梵谷的大膽塗色技法。 慣用紅、青、綠、黃等醒目的強烈色彩作畫,單純化的線條作誇張抑揚的形態﹝以線條為主要的表現手法﹞。平面化構圖,放棄傳統的遠近比例、明暗法的表現,採用陰影面與物體面強烈的對比色運用,脫離自然的摹仿。


Matisse, Master of Color
The art of our century has been dominated by two men: Henri Matisse and Pablo Picasso. They are artists of classical greatness, and their visionary forays into new art have changed our understanding of the world. Matisse was the elder of the two, but he was a slower and more methodical man by temperament and it was Picasso who initially made the greater splash. Matisse, like Raphael, was a born leader and taught and encouraged other painters, while Picasso, like Michelangelo, inhibited them with his power: he was a natural czar.

Matisse's artistic career was long and varied, covering many different styles of painting from Impressionism to near Abstraction. Early on in his career Matisse was viewed as a Fauvist, and his celebration of bright colors reached its peak in 1917 when he began to spend time on the French Riviera at Nice and Vence. Here he concentrated on reflecting the sensual color of his surroundings and completed some of his most exciting paintings. In 1941 Matisse was diagnosed as having duodenal cancer and was permanently confined to a wheelchair. It was in this condition that he completed the magnificent Chapel of the Rosary in Vence.

Matisse's art has an astonishing force and lives by innate right in a paradise world into which Matisse draws all his viewers. He gravitated to the beautiful and produced some of the most powerful beauty ever painted. He was a man of anxious temperament, just as Picasso, who saw him as his only rival, was a man of peasant fears, well concealed. Both artists, in their own fashion, dealt with these disturbances through the sublimation of painting: Picasso destroyed his fear of women in his art, while Matisse coaxed his nervous tension into serenity. He spoke of his art as being like "a good armchair"-- a ludicrously inept comparison for such a brilliant man-- but his art was a respite, a reprieve, a comfort to him.

Matisse initially became famous as the King of the Fauves, an inappropriate name for this gentlemanly intellectual: there was no wildness in him, though there was much passion. He is an awesomely controlled artist, and his spirit, his mind, always had the upper hand over the "beast" of Fauvism.

呢度copy 唔曬........你去呢個site 睇啦

2006-12-31 8:44 am

因此馬蒂斯既畫風都係以鮮豔既顏色, 不拒小節既畫風吸引觀者
佢既畫傾向平面化, 無乜立體可言

佢最出名既一幅叫 ,

參考: me

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