Daughter Secret Preg. Moments?

2006-12-31 12:10 am
My daughter, Nilay has been having well * Secret moments* in her room with a boy I am very concerned. She is turning fourteen in two months so I think I know what is going on. She has been getting a little bigger by the waist and stomach. Missing her periods, Late night vists to the bathrrom. Could this be pregnancy?

Oh i frogot I've tried to ask what she has been doing in her room she said just studying mo. and when I ask her why she is getting " bigger" she said they lunch at school had more fat in it and they are selling more food with lunch. thats all she really says. Now that boy has came over to our house we do not alow him in our house anymore. So she leaves the house to see him t night. She has his number in her room under her bed ( she keeps her phone book there its not secret tho) and I heard he say when she was with the boy 852-77 What? so I think its his house number. Should I get the book and concern the parents right now. Or wait until she gets home? ( she is at the boys house right now )

回答 (34)

2006-12-31 12:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
You're the mother, she's the daughter you need to put your foot down, no more boys in the house behind closed doors, no letting her leave the house at night if that means you sit outside her bedroom door at night, do what you have to do. Take her to the doctor, they will be able to to tell you if she is having sex or if she's pregnant. Don't ask her if she wants to go, just make the appointment and take her.
參考: Mother of 2
2006-12-31 12:16 am
First off, why would you allow your daughter to have a boy in her room or in the house alone with her? She is too young to have boys in her room.
Second off, you are the parent...take her to the doctor for a physical and get her checked. You are going to have worse things to worry about if she is pregnant.
2006-12-31 12:12 am
See is 14 hor heavens sake take the darn door off the hinges and talk to her if you tihnk she's preg. make her take a test stop wondering and do sometihng abut it I wouldn't let my daughter be alone in her room with a boy at the age of 14 are you nuts, get her to the dr if you really think this!
2006-12-31 12:11 am
You should go talk to her. She is your daughter, no stranger.
2006-12-31 12:12 am
Duh. You are long overdue for a little chat.
2006-12-31 12:13 am
well she probably is

what were you thinking, letting her be alone with a boy in her room was a stupid mistake
2006-12-31 12:15 am
Yes. You are a mother so you know what pregnancy signs are. The best things to do is go have a talk with her. Take her somewhere just the two of you like to get ice cream or to a cafe for hot chocolate. And just ask her about what you've been feeling. Let her know that you are not there to judge her you're just concerned. It may not be anything serious.We've all been there at one time or another. Raging hormones and all. Then make sure you educate her on staying safe and if you do find that she is sexualy active you might even want to start her on the pill. 14 is a pretty young age to but that's when I started and I have no babies yet. Just make sure you keep your cool and dont get upset. Ask her to tell you if she misses any more and if she does take her to get checked.
2006-12-31 12:14 am
buy a pregnancy test, see if she is or not and go see her doctor with her
2006-12-31 12:17 am
Whoa whoa whoa...why is she alone in her room with a boy all the time? She's only 13. All of the signs you described point to pregnancy. You need to speak with her ASAP and bring her to the doctor and have her take pregnancy tests, even STD tests (you never know.) You need to speak with her and your other children about birth control and the birds and the bees, with an emphasis on birth control. Clinics and doctors' offices can even do this for you.
2006-12-31 12:14 am
You allow your 14 year old daughter in a room by herself with a boy and the door is shut...of course she may be pregnant!
2006-12-31 12:21 am
You need to seriously talk to this CHILD. Yes she could be pregnant but its very possible she has an STD. Take her into the Dr. as soon as possible, an untreated STD can result in a boatload of trouble. And stop allowing her to have sex at this age, your just asking for TROUBLE. But I'm sure it's to late now anyway, she will find another way to get what she wants. Maybe if you talk with her you can convince her to wait till she's older. Its worth a try. Good Luck and suggest condoms, they have them for women to so if her boyfriend wont she needs to, ask the Dr. about female condoms.
2006-12-31 12:21 am
can't really judge your parenting skills but any right thinking parent would not allow boys in their 14 year old daughters rooms. even if the door was open. you're basically asking for something to happen.
2006-12-31 12:20 am
well i think you should take her to get tested because i do the same thing at night and i been gettin a little chubby and i am pregnant so she can be too she just does't want to tell you because she is scared that you might feel disapointed in her so she doesnt want to tell you......wat i think u should do is ask her first about this and see wat she says and if she says she is then be calm about it :)
2006-12-31 12:16 am
she could be, and is afraid to tell you, sit her down, and be calm,and talk to her. give her the support she needs. and let her know she should of came to you and told you. what ever you do don't yell, its to late for that , you now have to find out what you are and she is going to do with that beautiful child .
2006-12-31 12:15 am
If it is the poor thing is probebly teriffied, please talk 2 her about ur suspissions n suport her, comfort her, love her n try 2 be as posative as possable. Teens make the best mummies.
2006-12-31 12:14 am
Sounds suspiciously like it. Do you have a good relationship with your daughter? Or would she be worried about telling you if she was pregnant? Maybe the best way to go would be to ask her if she is sexually active and if so if she is using any protection. You may not like the answer, but it is better to be safe than sorry.
2006-12-31 12:13 am
you know the answer already.
2006-12-31 12:12 am
Ask her. If she says no make her take a test. Then kick that little pukes but, for lack of a better word.
2006-12-31 12:18 am
Oh crap. You know what... my mom knew for a fact when I was pregnant. If your too nervous to ask her. Just call her doctor.... this is the sneaky way my mom got me lol. I love her for it though. She called my doctor and told her and the nurses what was up... She asked that they take a urine sample to make sure everything in my system was working well. They took a urine sample.. this was when I was 20, Im now 21... and Im smart and didnt clue in at all. When the found out the results they called her cell and told her. I knew I was pregnant, but its such a scary thing. Yet having sex will make you a bit chunkier in certain spots, plus if she hasnt had a mentrual she might be bloated or anything else. Its horrible to know you have to tell your mom and or dad something of that sort. I ended up having a termination my own personal decision. You can do what my mom did, but if she's keeping "secret moments" from you, she for sure wouldnt tell you about having sex or being prego at 14.. Sometimes you have to be sneaky as a mom.. its only to protect. You love her do whats best for you. God Bless and good luck. If you have any questions you can email me at [email protected]
2006-12-31 12:12 am
i think you should sit down with her and ask her straight up. but make sure she understands it is because you care about her as well as the possible child; that way she will be honest and talk to you openly. then make sure that lil guy pays for half of everything if she is...
2006-12-31 12:12 am
could be

you need to talk with her asap!
2006-12-31 12:14 am
Yes i think it is. You should go talk to her, convince her to go to the doctors, go with her, if she is pregnant dont be like those parents who think its the end of the world. Help her threw it, but she has to go to the doctors just in case it gets bad, ok? if she has late periods, SHE HAS TO BE PREGNANT, but remember everyone makes mistakes, so just give her support.
2006-12-31 12:20 am
And you know that she is knocked up and you act like it is okay or was okay for her to have late night visit with boys in her room. I think that you may have made it easy for her to get prenant, becaues she is. thats just crazy. The both of you could have prevented this
2006-12-31 12:19 am
she could be. but maybe you should talk to her though... just to make sure. you wouldn't want to confront her and accuse her and discover that she isn't. it may make things uncomfortable between you two.
2006-12-31 12:18 am
I suggest offering support and concern for your daughter. Talk to her like she is an adult, even though she is not and then ask her straight up. If you still don't believe the answer she has then ask her to take a pregnancy test at home, I would avoid the doctor's office for this one because they don't have to give you the results either way. On the other side of this, why do you let her have secret moments in her room behind closed doors with a boy at the age of 14? She is a child and you have to let her know that sex is not right when she is that young, tell her about the concequences and maybe even enroll her in a sex ed class!

And stop letting her go to that boys house, get control of your child and protect her from losing her childhood!
2006-12-31 12:13 am
yes yes your really shouldnt be asking us u should ask a doctor i mean really your daughter is gouing to miss her teen life which it terrible id be after if i was you
2006-12-31 12:12 am
It sounds like it to me.
2006-12-31 12:14 am
It's very normal for young teenage girls to have infrequent periods and to gain weight as they're still growing. As to the late night bathroom trips, I don't know what to say. Maybe she's just drinking too much at dinner time.

I think if you're truly concerned, you should probably set her aside and talk to her about the consequences of being physical with another person.

And I mean no offense by this but you should not be letting your child (and I mean CHILD) have any kind of *secret moment* with anyone at that age....She is way too young.

If you think she's pregnant, you've got to find out now.
2006-12-31 1:57 am
you should be concerned and ask her what is going on in her life
2006-12-31 12:53 am
you should know the signs of pregnancy since you do have kids, if you really think she is pregnant then sit her down and talk to her about it, suggest a pregnancy test and tell her that you will stand bye her no matter what, your daughter should be more open with you,, if she is pregnant then she needs YOU... and she needs your support,, so dont be mad at her if she is pregnant, every one can make mistakes, you do have a right to be upset at her for getting pregnant at such a young age but dont show it,, that would make her feel really bad, i think she would already feel pretty shitty about it anyway.. her boyfriend should be aloud at your house, she gonna see him anyway, and if she is pregnant you will see more of him if he is gonna be involed with the baby, and if shes not pregnant you should get her on birth control right away, if they have already had sex then they wont stop just because you dont allow him in your home,, like i said she will see him anyway, so why make her do it behind your back? good luck and i hope it turns out the way you want it too. if she is not home yet u should go out and get a pregnancy test, and when she gets home talk to her about this.. be open with her and let her be open to you...
2007-01-01 9:18 pm
U are a grown women and you asked "what is a cleavage"??? Wow. And then you picked an idiot as best answer.
2006-12-31 1:16 am
so, what I am 14 already and I have 6 kids with one man. I am merried. I got merried at 9. I have been merried for 5 years. I am pregant now. we just like having sex.
2006-12-31 12:26 am
i reacon your just a bit to concerd, she mit be tellin you the truth she mit just be very good m8s with him just waight for her next period
2006-12-31 12:30 am
you should talk to her but if she is preg then u need to be suppotive and the more u dont let this guy come over then the more she will try to secretly see him hope this helps

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