is the nintendo wii a reliable system?

2006-12-31 12:07 am
im planning on getting a wii or a 360, and im just looking for info.

回答 (7)

2006-12-31 12:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
This question is right up my alley beings I have both of these 360 for graphics and make sure you buy the $400 one other wise it sucks..Not even kidding...but I just got the wii and its also SOOO amazing you will love it to..It has so much more stuff than just a game council..Web Browsing...Weather..Mii's Sure the xbox has awesome features to like xbox live..but you cant browse the web..but idk both systems are excellents its all about what you want to do...Hope you make the right choice...Hope i helped.
2016-11-25 2:41 pm
i'm especially useful ebay does not enable merchandising modded Nintendo Wiis ?!? yet, I propose you shop your very own Wii, you're able to at last have issues with modded Wiis, and in case you do no longer comprehend what you're doing (in those mod menus on Wii), you will brick it.
2006-12-31 6:19 pm
I would get a wii. a 360 isn't really anything more than an upgraded xbox but the wii is unique and has the cooool controller. I got mine online at
2006-12-31 4:30 am
the xbox 360 is for the more seirous gamer and the wii is for the not so seirous gamer
2006-12-31 12:19 am
The Wii is good for physical stuff, the X-Box 360 is good for games with good graphics.
2006-12-31 12:10 am
Reliable in what? quality? games availability or?

Wii is fun, no doubt about it. It's killing PS3 now.
2006-12-31 12:17 am
My experience with with these games is that you really don't know when they first come out. Remember Atari and all that followed? Then they come out with a wii 2 and 3 and the wii 1 will be worthless. I've learned this from having a young son. Good Luck

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