How can I gain wieght and become more broad without getting fat?

2006-12-31 12:00 am
I want to gain a lot of weight and i dont eat meat but once a weak. Im too skinny and i want to become broad and big without getting a big stomach.

回答 (7)

2006-12-31 12:30 am
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Protein, protein, protein!!!! Lean white chicken really is the best but you should also add egg whites to your diet. About 3.5 grams an egg. Hard boiled or fryed. If you fry them i suggest a whole egg & 2 egg whites or it will just taste funky. Remove fats, sugars and bad carbs from your diet which can interfeare with growth. Conplex carbs are the best. Like oatmeal, whole wheat, whole grain...There is Whey Protein shakes you can drink once a day as well. If you want broad shoulders lift weights, but im sure you already knew that. Search online for the best ways to work your shoulders, back and chest to gain with to the top part of the body.

The body needs (your weight) divided by 4 = ____
Whatever that equals thats what your individual body needs. But to grow you need that number x 2.

so if your 130 lbs divided by 4 = 32.5. If you want to gain you would need 32.5 x2= 65 grams a day
2006-12-31 12:10 am
You'll have to eat meat, or at least get larger amounts of protein from some source at least 3 or 4 times a week if you want to put on muscle mass. Eat 5 smaller meals throughout the day, comprised of carbs and protein. avoid fat. Lift weights. If you're still a teen, I would focus on benching and squats- alternate days. This will kick your body into muscle mass mode, and your natural testosterone will be booseted, making it wasier to put on muscle mass. If you specifically want broader shoulders, do lateral shoulder raises with dumbells. Just stand with the weighs at your sides and lift the weights straight out and up to about eye level, without bending your elbows much.
If you wnat to puton mass then you need to do "heavy" weight and not high reps. If you're able to do more than 8 reps of any particular weight lifting exercise, then you're not using enough weight. You want to shoot for 6 to 8 reps.
Go for it
2006-12-31 12:07 am
My boyfriend was mad skinny after he got done with his swim season and he managed to put on 20 pounds in muscle.

If you dont count eggs as meat try eating about 4 or 5 of those each morning....protein is key here. You can also take a protein supplement....shakes etc, to get the protein you dont get from not eating meat.

Lifting weights lift for strength not for endurance, so for example if you were bench pressing you'd do 4 sets reducing the reps each time 12 10 8 6 yet with each set you'd make the weights heavier. 120 130 140 150 if you can bench that (I certainly cant)

hope that helped
參考: Exercise junkie
2006-12-31 12:06 am
protein supplement. dairy products.
if you want to gain weight, you need 1 gram of protein for each lb of your weight PER day - this is no joke. You can look this up.
2006-12-31 12:05 am
lift weights while eating higher calorie and higher carb meals. also lots and lots of protein. muscle weighs more than fat
2006-12-31 12:05 am
Eat alot of starches and do alot of situps and pushups. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches help alot.
2006-12-31 12:05 am
No. Why do you want to gain weight when the whole world wants to be skinny??????

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