How do i get my two year old son to stay in his bedroom at night?

2006-12-30 11:49 pm
My two year old son just now started sleeping on his own. He was sleeping with his father and myself.
To get him to sleep we pop in a movie, and wait until he falls asleep. the problem we are now experianceing is, he wakes up in the mild of the night, and climbs in to bed with us. We find him there, and bring him back to his bedroom, then come to find him lying in bed with us again in the morning.

回答 (15)

2006-12-30 11:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Consistency is the key. You have to put him back every single time without reward or punishment. Just patience. We had the same problem with our son and we tried, we really did but eventually we were just too tired and let him climb into bed with us in the morning. My husband started putting a pillow on the floor next to the bed and now if he wakes up and comes in he just goes to sleep on the floor. He knows that's his pillow and loves curling up there. It really has been a good solution for us. Good luck.
2007-01-02 4:12 am
ok here are my few suggestions. place a baby gate at his door. leave his door open, just blocked. and be sure to have a baby monitor. as for the movie part. i see nothing wrong with that. it's something we have always done with my 4 year. she used to sleep in our room. but when we moved her, she did just fine. and we let her watch movies at night to go to sleep. but we had her watching movies like strawberry shortcake and cat in the hat. but they were the ones that last for about 30-45 minutes. but the great thing about these dvds is that they automatically replay themselves. or another thing you could do is get cable in his room. and pick a show to watch together and just leave the tv on. this way he wakes up to noise and light. if you hear him pitching a fit, go to him. tuck in back into bed and let him no it's bedtime. and that you are still there. and that he is safe.

i wish you the best of luck. like i said we didn't have this problem with our 4 year old. and we moved her out when she was 2. and with our 10 month old, well she already sleeps in her own room. she only slept in our room for like the firs month. because if she wasn't waking up my husband, then my husband was waking her up when he got up for work in the mornings.
2007-01-02 2:47 am
Whenever he gets up, take him to the bathroom to peee, then put him back in the bed, if he keeps getting up, put him right back in the bed, until he get the point.
2006-12-31 3:41 am
When my now 11 yr old was 3 he was doing the same thing for the same reason when asked why he said he was lonely and cold also he didnt like his sheets. We took him to pick out a special bedtime buddy that had to stay in his bed and let him pick new sheets and new jammys (had to buy a matching pair for his bear too )alot of money was spent but after that he only came to our room if he was sick
2006-12-30 11:58 pm
You might want to start a new bedtime routine for your son. One where he falls asleep in his own bed. That way when he wakes in the middle of the night he'll have a better idea of where he is. He'll start to get the idea that that's where he belongs. It'll take a bit of time though. In the meantime, just keep putting him back in his bed. Good Luck!
2006-12-30 11:58 pm
First let him watch a 30 min movie or read him a story put him to bed with soft sleep music playing and everytime he gets up put him back to bed... The longer you wait you will soon find out that your husband will be sleeping on the couch and you sharing a bed with a 10 year old
2006-12-30 11:55 pm
Sorry to say this but you created this problem by letting him sleep with you in the first place and now you need to pull up your sleeves and loose some sleep.
First off: when he gets up in the night, take him back to his room and tuck him in. When he gets up again, do the same thing. you may have to do this serveral times a night for a while but he needs to get the point.
Also, I wouldn't normally recommend this next thing but seeing that you had him sleeping in with you prior then you need to change this behaviour so you may need to lay in his room with him the first few nights until he falls back to sleep. This may interfere with your sleep but it's a bad habit that shouldn't have started.
And the whole thing about letting him fall asleep with a movie........really, really bad idea. Lay with him so he knows your there for a while then start making him fall asleep on his own.
參考: I am a mother of 2 year old twin boys
2006-12-30 11:55 pm
that sounds cute :)
2006-12-30 11:54 pm
Place him back in his bed. If he cries, explain to him that you don't want him to sleep with him anymore and he should be able to sleep by himself.
2006-12-30 11:54 pm
My son is 3 and is doing this, he's been in his own bed for a year. All I do is keep taking him back, I don't talk to him just carry him back to bed and once or twice a week he actually stays there
2006-12-30 11:54 pm
put up a child gate at your door so he can't come in. you could also lock his door. or youcould search the internet for parenting sites. hope you find something that works =)
2006-12-30 11:53 pm
Get rid of the movie first. He probably wakes up when there is no more movie then comes to your room. If you put him to bed, read him a story then go out of the room and he gets up then keep putting him back in bed until he understands that that is where he MUST sleep at night. Consistency on your part is the key to success.
2006-12-30 11:53 pm
let him for another year
2006-12-30 11:53 pm
Persistance and more of it keep putting him back into bed when he gets out.
2006-12-30 11:52 pm
Put up one of those Child Gates.

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