
2006-12-31 7:44 am
‧請問在interview 的前一日、interview的那天及interview時,怎樣可以減壓、放鬆心情?


‧How to hide my inpression? ( I don't want the principal feels I am nervous!)

回答 (2)

2006-12-31 8:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
the most importantly is to overcome your attitude,
in marketing term, there is term we called SWOT

means to know four differnt area of yours, they are..

Strenght: what you capable and something you feel good at
Weakness: what you not better than others
Opprotunity: what would be your chances to achieve what you want to achieve
Threat: something that you think will be cause you unsuccess

but the key point, carry a "can do" attitude, smile more ((like you feel you success) or we so call confident smile), if you getting asked somthing you not confident to achieve, don't be afriad to admit the truth and saying something like " i willing to learn...", "i'm quick learner", "i may not able to do this alone..., but with XXX's help, i can..." that way, you not just showing your huminity, but also you willing to ask for help, that's something that most large company would look for

be "can do", driven, think big!
2006-12-31 8:19 am
1. Enough preparation: research of the organisation's history and goals, know your job description and why you should be hired.

2. Deep breathing before interviews help you to relax.

3. Ask questions: lots of people only answer questions, but the best is to ask. It gives the impression that you are well prepared and clear minded. REMEMBER:ask WISE questions, such as how you can help to reach organisational goals at that position.

4. The most important, (ME had already mentioned) is eye contact. But beware that it is NOT starring.

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