一個人想於農曆新年期間去旅行, 有什麼地點好介紹 ?

2006-12-31 6:18 am
之前一條友去過倫敦.. 不是太難... 現在 plan 緊今年有無地方好去 ..


回答 (2)

2006-12-31 7:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
new zealand if u can drive
south island 1-2 weeks for a feel of some parts of each place
north island 1-2 weeks

australia is also good

to europe a little more difficult as other than England they speak their own languages
eastern europe should be beautiful
southern europe would be more expansive i guess
northern europe either leave it to Winter to chase the arctic lights or summer to see more and less cold and more daylight

China is another vast area... but lunar new year may not be a good idea

short trips < 1 week
Cambodia - Angkor Wat
singapore/ malay/ thai
2006-12-31 7:13 am
去東京丫.. 可以住民宿嘛~~..唔會太難架咋~
可以去睇下新潮野, 見識多d, 又可以食下野都好丫..
參考: 個人意見

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