
2006-12-31 3:59 am

回答 (10)

2006-12-31 4:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
"a" is used before noun, and it is only of singular uses, to talk about ONE, specific thing.
e.g. a pen, a bag, a rubber (one pen, one bag, one rubber)

*"a" is NEVER used for plural objects. it is only used before singular consanents.

Similar to "a", "an" is also used for singular objects. but be beaware, "an" can only be used with vowels (a, e, i, o, u).

"the" is used when a writer wants to point to a specific, special thing. For example, the Sun, the Earth. We all know there is only ONE sun, ONE earth, so the word "the" is used. have you ever heard people saying "I see a sun?" >_< ~ =)

In conclusion:
"a" is used to point out singular consanants (alphabets other than a, e, i, o, u)
"an" is used to point out singular vowels
"the" is used to point out specific, special noun; fact that everyone know. that noun after "the" if usually capitalized.

hope I can help ya =)
參考: myself
2006-12-31 6:18 pm
we use a behind the B,C,D,G,J,K,P,Q,T,U,V,W,Y,Z
we use an behind the a,e,i,o,u,f,g,h,l,,n,m,r,s,x
we use 'the' when one people,thing or place.
參考: longman express (1a)
2006-12-31 4:55 am
a is one thing.
an is a, e, i, o, u.
the is :
earth, moon, sun and star.
2006-12-31 4:19 am


the 係上題已提出的名詞才用
ps.某d例子 eg 太陽,月亮..呢d都係一定用the,因為世上沒有可以有兩個太陽同月亮節
She has a cat
She has an apple
The cat is her
The apple is her

2006-12-30 20:21:20 補充:
sorry打錯野the 係上題已提出的名詞才用 ps.某d例子 eg 太陽,月亮..呢d都係一定用the,因為世上沒有可以有兩個太陽同月亮(到目前為止)
參考: ME
2006-12-31 4:10 am
而the就係指名導姓......例如:There has a desk.The desk is big
參考: me
2006-12-31 4:07 am
a 同 an 的用法一樣,解釋也一樣
當 noun 的第一個字母是響音時用an (如 an ant, an ox ) 或者有d 特別字 (如 an hour )
a 同 an 都唔會指明係一d 野 ( a boy, a cat, a baby, a actor)

the 係會指明一樣野ge
後咁ge noun 唔會影響
(如 the girl over there, the man with red hair)

2006-12-30 20:10:48 補充:
寫文時,第一次通常用a 或者 anthe 會指番之前講過e 野另外,the 可以指一群野例如老虎,老虎呢類動物可以叫做 tigers 或者 the tiger
2006-12-31 4:06 am
EG: The table is useful

EG: I want to eat a orange
EG: A cup of tea

EG: An apple
2006-12-31 4:06 am
A 單一
An 而該名詞是響音
The 專有名詞 / 世界上只得一樣的東西 (the sun) / 在文章中曾提起過的東西 /指明了的東西 (the onion is delicious)

2006-12-30 20:06:42 補充:
the 也可以表示眾數 (the people)
2006-12-31 4:05 am
a係用一件物件..a pen
an係响音,a e i o u ,見到一d字有呢响音既字..an apple
the係前已經講述過既野..the man,the sun等等
2006-12-31 4:05 am
a,an係第一次用e.g an apple a boy

a e i o u係用an
the係第二次用同一樣東西e.g the apple the boy

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