my dad's return...

2006-12-31 1:16 am
my dad has passed away in da beginning of this month.
my SI FU told me dat his return will be in Buddist Dau. does it mean he will become a budda??? do i still hv to do or pray for him more??? cuz i do really miss my dad, i wanna do all my best even after his death!!!

Buddist Dau is 佛道! sorry i dun type chinese....many thx...


my question is if he is in 佛道 now, is he going to be budda soon? am not asking all of us, just MY DAD! pls stay wif da question!

回答 (2)

2006-12-31 6:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
We all will become Buddha. We all are bodhisatta now. Your SI FU just said he will be born in Buddhist way. That mean he might get a chance to return human realm to learn Buddhism again, and to become Buddha in the future.
What you can do now and the future is to keep on pray for him, to keep well yourself, to train yourself in the Buddhist way.
Good on you.
2007-01-08 5:36 pm
找位功力夠的SI FU 幫他超渡。

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