
2006-12-30 11:50 pm

聖誕過去…而新年卻快到了,說到這裡,我便興奮起來!其實我相信不只是我吧,很多小孩子也喜歡新年。因為新年除了是慶祝新一年的到來以外,也是我們這些“小朋友”拿紅包(pocket money)的大日子!不過我當然不是因為這原因而喜歡新年!新年對我來說可算是特別的,因為在平日的生活當中,我常常(always)也是一個人,而在新年卻是一個非常熱鬧的日子,在這節日裡我可以返樸歸真,回復到最純真的樣貌!雖然說我的外表比較成熟,但是在的心底還是一個愛玩耍的小孩,所以我藉著這個日子,父母bring me back to鄉下的時候,我就“現形”了!

續: 說到這兒,你們知道新年的由來嗎?----據說在很久以前, 有一隻叫「年」的野獸,個性非常殘忍兇猛,每364日便會起床一次(除夕夜)來吃人。而傳說「年獸」極懼怕紅色、火光及吵雜的聲音,所以古代人們就在門上貼著紅紙條,並整夜點著火炬、燃放炮燭,來避開「年獸」。到了第二天一大早,「恭喜」之聲不絕於耳,空氣中瀰漫著打敗「年獸」勝利與重生的喜悅。 新年也就是這樣來的了。 這個傳說其實每人也聽過很多次吧,可不知為我總是不膩的…無論怎樣也好,我認為新年真是我國最好的節日了,但開心以前我還是先溫習吧,因為在新年的假期前,我還有一個考試呢!

回答 (3)

2007-01-09 7:18 am
2006-12-31 12:30 am
Christmas has passed, and new years is around the corner, whenever I'm talk about this, I feel exicted! Actually I believe I'm not the only one that feels this way, a lot of children like new year too. New years is not only a time to celebrate the coming of another new year, but for us, it is also a time when we will get red envelope(pocket money) from the adults! Of course this is not the only reason why we like New years! To Me, New years is a very special time, cause normally I feel lonely, but during New years celebration it is very crowed and peoples are everywhere celebrating, and this is the time when I can become a kid again. Although people see me as a mature person, but deep inside I'm still very much like a kid who likes to play, And when my parents brings me back to the Countryside, I will reveal my true self again!

Do you know how did New years celebration come by? -- It is said that a long long time ago, there was a creature call "Lin", it was cruel and fierce, it will awake and come to eat people every 364 day. However there was a legend that this Lin creature fear the color of Red, Fire light and Crowed noise, and that's why in ancient time, people will post red notes on the door, and have fire and candles lighten up the whole night to keep this creature away, and this next morning, you will hear people shouting "Ko Ce" to celebrate the defeat of this creature and the reborn of a new life. And this was how New Years Celebration started.

Actually a lot of people have heard about this legend, but to me, New years celebration is really the greatest festival of our country. Although this is the time when we can celebrate and play, Because I still have a upcoming exam, I'll be needing to study before the New years Holiday.

2006-12-30 17:07:16 補充:
2006-12-31 12:24 am
Athough Christmas holidays are running out, Chinese New Year is coming .I am excited about that! I think that not only children but also I like New year. It is a great day for celebrating and the children can get the lukcy money as well. However , those are not the reasons that I like this festival. . I always live alone. Chinese New Year is a special day for me because of fully with excitement and joy. And also , I can be a innocent girl again. Despite of having a mature face ,actually in my mind ,I am loving fun.
Therefore, in this holiday , my parents and I are going to go back our hometown. I am to be myself.

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