(在天堂遇見的五個人)The five people you meet in heaven

2006-12-30 11:43 pm
le本書ge summary同埋結局係點ga?

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2006-12-31 12:24 am
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The five people you meet in heaven is based on how people think about their life, death and what will happen in their afterlife in heaven.
this book shows heaven is a place that will explain your life to you, places where you don't understand... remember how Eddie meet the five people in heaven which he knows and doesn't know. They are people that effect his life.

the last person Eddie met is a little girl that brought him into heaven. remember how Eddie said he felt someone/something lift him up to the heaven of the Blue Man?
Eddie died when he tried to save a little girl called either Amy or Annie. He will be queing up and be waiting for her when she finished her life journey and shared his secret part of Heaven.Each effects another and others effect you. "" World is fulll of stories but stories are all one.""
參考: me

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