
2006-12-30 9:27 pm

回答 (1)

2006-12-31 8:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
A. 類型:
1. 個人資料
2. 家人 ( 職業、嗜好及關係等 )
3. 興趣及嗜好
4. 時事
5. 情境問題
6. 閱讀文章 ( 中或英文 ), 之後回答問題

B. 面試形式:
1. 由一至數位老師面見
2. 家長一同面見
3. 小組進行

C. 採用的語言:

Ø 你的興趣是什麼?
Ø 介紹一下你的家庭。
Ø 為甚麼你會選擇我們的學校?
Ø 自我介紹‘
Ø 講述最近一則新聞。
Ø 你在假日會到哪裏玩?
Ø 詢問對一些時事的看法。
Ø 如果給你三個願望,你會怎樣用?
Ø 給一篇英文文章,其中有部分動詞錯的,把文章唸出來時加以糾正。
Ø 描寫圖中發生的事 (中文)
Ø What is your favourite country?
Ø Why do you choose our school?
Ø Which primary school are you studied at?
Ø Can you introduce yourself?
Ø Do you usually use internet?
Ø 你長大後想做甚麼?
Ø 你最喜歡看哪本書籍?
Ø 如果有同學受到欺凌,你會怎樣做?
Ø 你滿不滿意自己的成績?
Ø 你在學校有沒有參加課外活動?
Ø 如果你有一塊口香糖,你會如何利用?
Ø 你曾否獲得甚麼獎項?
Ø 你打算在入學後加入甚麼學會?
Ø 畫一幅素描及一幅自由創作畫
Ø 你的妹妹是怎麼樣?
Ø 你有沒有其他途徑去學英語?
Ø 用特別的形式介紹自己。
Ø 你知道學校最特別是有甚麼課程?
Ø 如果你被取錄了,你會對哪一科更加努力,為甚麼?

Suggested writing topics:
1. Self-introduction

2. About your (primary) school

3. Favourite Pastime / Hobbies

4. About Reading

5. Future Dreams

6. ***Why do you choose this (secondary) school?

1. Self-introduction
l Briefly introduce / describe yourself
l Do you have any brothers or sisters?
l Can you tell me something about your family?
l Where do you live?
l When’s your birthday?
l How tall are you? What is your weight

2. About your (primary) school
l What is the name of your school?
l Is it a whole-day school? No, I am in the afternoon session.
l Would you tell me something about your school?
l Which subject do you like?
l Why do you like this subject?
l How do you go to your school every day?
l Have you joined / participated in any extra-curricula activities at school? Do you like them? Why?
l What competition have you taken part in?
l Have you got any prizes in the competition/ Festival?
l Does your brother(s) or sister(s) go to the same school?
l How long does it take to travel from your home to your present school?

3. Favourite Pastime / Hobbies
l What are your hobbies / interests?
l Why do you like it/ them?
l What do you usually do during your leisure time?
l Who do you usually go with?
l How do you usually spend your weekend/ holiday?
l What did you do last Saturday / Sunday?
l Do you read newspaper/ do exercise every day?
l Which newspaper do you read every day?
l What are you going to do in the coming summer holiday / vacation / Easter?
l Do you like watching (sports on) TV? Which programmes do you like? Why?
l Are you good at sports?
l Are you a good ____ (swimmer / tennis player/ basketball player…)?

4. About Reading
l Do you like reading?
l What sort of books do you like most? I like reading (fictions, scientific books, history, romance, comic…).
l * Can you introduce one book in which you find most interesting? ( I like ___ most. I like it because ( the words are not difficult/ easy to understand / the pictures are pretty and attractive / the story is interesting)
l How often do you read? I read once/ twice/ three times a week.
l How often do you go to the library?

5. Future Dreams
l What do you want to do when you grow up?
l What would you like to be when you grow up?
l Why?

6. Why do you choose this (secondary) school?
l ***Why do you like to study in this school?
l (Find some information about a famous person you like most.—e.g. Dr Sun Yat-san, Mr. Donald Tsang, etc )
參考: 過往中學面試既內容

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