d古典音樂又sonata in f 又in v 又in g 咁..

2006-12-30 9:17 pm
咁如果貝多芬已經作左sonata in f

我又想作 咁咪撞名 ?

點解佢地唔首首都作個名俾佢 ?

回答 (2)

2006-12-30 9:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
其實sonata是一個曲式的, 等大家知道這首歌是什麼來的, 如symthony和concerto等等, 都是同理. 當然, 很多時候, 作曲家或後世人, 會因應作曲的目的或用途, 而另加名稱. 如貝記的第五號交響樂, 第六號交響樂. 他的主題命稱分別為命運及田園. 明白沒有.

2006-12-30 13:33:59 補充:
補充一句, 你可以將你作了的歌的名稱叫作sonata, 但嚴僅地說, 於古典音樂的範疇, 如你的歌不是sonata曲式, 則會誤導人了.以下是關於sonata曲式的介紹http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/奏鸣曲式
參考: me
2006-12-30 10:51 pm
The word "sonata" is not a name; it is a word to identify the genre, or type, of music. Most of these serious compositions have no "names", but they are identified by their publication numbers and their genre. For example, we musicians seldom call it the sonata in f, we usually call it Sonata Opus 2 Number 1. This Opus and Number designation was assigned by the original publisher, and it is now used to identity a musical work. Other composers such as Mozart and Scarlatti might use different numerical system for identification, such as Mozart sonata K. 330, or Scarlatti sonata L. 49.
Very good question. For a serious composer writing serious instrumental music in the Classical period, the name does not really matter. What matters most is the genre or type of music (such as sonata, concerto, waltz, etc.) as the genre describes the form of the piece. Hence: title = genre = form. For example, a sonata will usually have three or four movements while a waltz will have two or three different sections within one movement. Later in the Romantic period (19th century) the title becomes more important, if only slightly. You will find more interesting titles in works of later Romantic composers such as Ravel, but during the Classical period, the form of a musical work is more important. This tendency constitutes another dissertation altogether.
RE: 我又想作咁咪撞名 ?
If you are writing a sonata in f minor, then it will be your sonata in f. The complete title will be: Andrew Fungot's Sonata Op. 1 in f minor. This is enough to identify your work.
And believe me, I will never mix it up with Beethoven's Sonata Op. 2 No. 1.

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