^急^~~有冇人look 過"簡愛"這本書啊???

2006-12-30 8:20 pm
可唔可help me 作20句“英文” ge 讀後感???

回答 (2)

2006-12-30 10:48 pm
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可參考以下由其他人寫的book review, 但勿照抄, 老師一定看得出的!


As the massive book thudded on my desk, my mouth gaped with awe. Jane Eyre was staring me in the face. "Holy Mother of God!" I cried, but little did I know that Jane Eyre would soon become a helpful, almost Biblical, handbook.

Surprisingly, this book was a valuable addition to the curriculum and my own life. I found it relevant and drew many parallels from it. Certainly there is a Master Reed in my life, that mama's boy everyone adores, yet I am forced to despise. And after reading Miss Abbot's words - "God will punish her: He might strike her dead in the midst of her tantrums" - I found myself exclaiming, "Poor Jane!"

Poor Jane, indeed; she's penniless, orphaned and abducted by a loveless family, and then death is wished upon her. I cringed with sympathy, yet I laughed at how similar our lives could be. How is it possible that my own life was sketched into a classic Victorian novel?

I found much more than similarities, though, I also found wit and pure Janeian humor. I loved it when Rochester asks, "Am I hideous, Jane?" Who but Jane would reply, "Very, sir; you always were, you know." She is blunt and flat-out honest - characteristics I admire.

I also discovered inspiration from this novel. Jane has a firm grasp of her ethics and is strongminded. She says, "I am no bird; and no net ensnares me; I am a free human being with an independent will, which I now exert to leave you." The courage Jane has to leave Mr. Rochester, the love of her life, and her independence astounded me.

Another inspiration came as I read the scene when Jane leaves Thornfield Hall, her home, love, family and friends. "May you never appeal to heaven in prayers so hopeless and so agonized as in that hour left my lips; for never may you, like me, dread to be the instrument of evil to what you wholly love." She sacrifices all to take the moral high road, yet eventually comes out on top and is happy. Jane possesses will, virtue and purity, and is very admirable.

"Gentle reader, may you never feel what I then felt!" The novel ends and the witty, inspirational adventure of Jane is over. But I go on, feeling like Jane, "obscure, plain and little."


2006-12-30 14:51:00 補充:

2006-12-30 14:51:55 補充:
The book begins with Jane Eyre at the tender age of ten. She is constantly abused by the family that has taken her in. She then goes to Lowood School to learn how to be a pious, faithful woman of God.

2006-12-30 14:52:20 補充:
She is instructed to turn her back on the ills of society and turn toward God for everything that she needs. As a woman, she accepts a position as a governess at Thornfied Hall. Her charge is a little French girl name Adele Varens. While there Jane experiences things that test her faith.

2006-12-30 14:52:33 補充:
To say this bluntly, she is tempted by the extreme love that she feels for Edward Rochester, the master of Thornfield Hall. Within the pages of this book we find elements of the metaphysical and gothicism. Love, adventure, and mystery run rampant throughout the pages of this book.

2006-12-31 22:38:45 補充:
you are welcome
2006-12-30 8:34 pm
In this kind of novel character, has driven a generation of generation of reader, moreover also touched each to want exactly to understand had the dignity the mind,it is a very good book.

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