關於frankenstein(科學怪人) 急!!!

2006-12-30 8:00 pm
我要做一份book report 我想知道frankenstein呢本書全書ga內容

回答 (3)

2006-12-30 8:47 pm
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按小說的內容,Frankenstein其實是創造科學怪人的那位醫生的姓氏,名字則是Victor Frankenstein,1931年的電影中改用Henry Frankenstein,自此日後多部電影版的這位醫生都叫Henry而不是Victor。而「科學怪人」這個中文譯名其實是針對小說或電影內容的翻譯,如果真的要直譯,就只好是「法蘭肯斯坦」─那位醫生的姓氏而已。這種錯誤可能是因為1935年的電影The Bride of Frankenstein中,法蘭肯斯坦受另一位瘋狂醫生的威脅,創造出一位女科學怪人,給科學怪人當伴侶而造成的。1939年還有另外一部電影Son of Frankenstein,有人誤以為是科學怪人的兒子,其實不是!電影是描述法蘭肯斯坦的兒子自美國返回歐洲,發現沉睡未死的科學怪人並將其再生的故事。日後又有電影House of Frankenstein(1944)及搞笑片Bud Abbott and Lou Costello meet Frankenstein(1948),都已經沒有法蘭肯斯坦家族的成員存在,且除了科學怪人之外,也加入吸血殭屍及狼人來湊熱鬧。所以,也難怪有人誤當「Frankenstein」一字就是科學怪人的英文名字。

那麼,科學怪人的英文名字到底是什麼呢?1994年的電影「瑪麗雪萊之科學怪人」(Mary Shelley's Frankenstein)可以說是比較忠於原著的電影,但也僅限於電影的前半部分,電影中間從主角Victor Frankenstein的弟弟William Frankenstein被科學怪人殺死後,其情節就與原著大有出入,連結局也不一樣。當中,由好萊塢著名演技派明星勞勃狄尼諾所飾演的科學怪人,有一句對白給了我們所要的答案:「他沒有給我名字。」是的,科學怪人沒有名字。不過,好笑的是,這一句對白其實沒有出現在瑪麗雪萊的原著小說裡。

沒錯,小說中的科學怪人沒有名字。但是,如果要跟外國朋友談科學怪人,或是外國人自己怎麼稱呼科學怪人的呢?在原著小說中,出現過3個名詞來形容科學怪人:第一個是monster,其意思為「怪物、巨獸、怪獸、畸形的動物或植物」;另一個字是    (由於小說出版於1818年,這是古字,現在是英式英文daemon或美式英文demon),意為「惡魔、魔鬼、兇惡的人」;還有一個字是creature,意思是「創造出來的東西」或「動物、畜牲」。在1931年的電影中,科學怪人就被劇中人物稱為「the Monster」,用定冠詞the及大寫M,表示這是專屬的名詞。而日後一系列不按原著「脫稿演出」的科學怪人電影紛紛出籠,人們用Frankenstein';s Monster及Frankenstein Monster來說明是瑪麗雪萊小說或相關電影中的科學怪人。不過,在現代一般英語對話中,外國人都用Frankenstein來叫科學怪人,這已是約定俗成的字,筆者認識的外國人都以Frankenstein叫科學怪人,而十之八九都知道這不是科學怪人的真正名字。那麼中文又要如何去翻譯呢?很簡單,既然「科學怪人」已經在華人社會中深入人心了,那就繼續叫「科學怪人」
2006-12-31 10:04 pm
In a series of letters, Robert Walton, the captain of a ship bound for the North Pole, recounts to his sister back in England the progress of his dangerous mission. Successful early on, the mission is soon interrupted by seas full of impassable ice. Trapped, Walton encounters Victor Frankenstein, who has been traveling by dog-drawn sledge across the ice and is weakened by the cold. Walton takes him aboard ship, helps nurse him back to health, and hears the fantastic tale of the monster that Frankenstein created.
Victor first describes his early life in Geneva. At the end of a blissful childhood spent in the company of Elizabeth Lavenza (his cousin in the 1818 edition, his adopted sister in the 1831 edition) and friend Henry Clerval, Victor enters the university of Ingolstadt to study natural philosophy and chemistry. There, he is consumed by the desire to discover the secret of life and, after several years of research, becomes convinced that he has found it.
Armed with the knowledge he has long been seeking, Victor spends months feverishly fashioning a creature out of old body parts. One climactic night, in the secrecy of his apartment, he brings his creation to life. When he looks at the monstrosity that he has created, however, the sight horrifies him. After a fitful night of sleep, interrupted by the specter of the monster looming over him, he runs into the streets, eventually wandering in remorse. Victor runs into Henry, who has come to study at the university, and he takes his friend back to his apartment. Though the monster is gone, Victor falls into a feverish illness.
Sickened by his horrific deed, Victor prepares to return to Geneva, to his family, and to health. Just before departing Ingolstadt, however, he receives a letter from his father informing him that his youngest brother, William, has been murdered. Grief-stricken, Victor hurries home. While passing through the woods where William was strangled, he catches sight of the monster and becomes convinced that the monster is his brother’s murderer. Arriving in Geneva, Victor finds that Justine Moritz, a kind, gentle girl who had been adopted by the Frankenstein household, has been accused. She is tried, condemned, and executed, despite her assertions of innocence. Victor grows despondent, guilty with the knowledge that the monster he has created bears responsibility for the death of two innocent loved ones.
2006-12-30 8:05 pm
frankenstein is a book about a guy be a monster . sorry little help only-_-
參考: frankenstein

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