Pharmacy:What do MUR and MYM stand for?

2006-12-30 3:46 pm
Please tell me their extended forms in the area of pharmacy.

回答 (1)

2007-01-02 2:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) MUR - medicines use reviews

**Medicines Use Review**
Accredited pharmacists periodically undertake structured concordance centred reviews with patients receiving medicines for long term conditions, to establish a picture of their use of the medicines - both prescribed and non-prescribed. The review will help patients understand their therapy and it will identify any problems they are experiencing along with possible solutions. A report of the review will be provided to the patient and to their GP.

In order to address local priorities PCTs may recommend that MURs are targeted at certain patient groups.

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2) MYM - methylenomycin

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