
2006-12-30 9:37 am



回答 (5)

2006-12-30 7:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案

5 月份出發的話, 大約 2 月份農曆新年過後就會開始有 promotion 的票了. 但你需要自己常常到 airline 的網頁睇睇, 因為有部份 offer 只係航空公司自已出, agent 是沒有的
未坐過, 但口碑不太好. 到歐洲, 我的首選是國泰, 其次是法航, 瑞航及新加坡航空
視乎你的需要而定. 航空公司網頁買票的好處是可以簽 credit card, 一張機票幾千分, 仲可以一個月後先比錢. 另外航空公司唔會要你等, 有位就一定可以出飛, 即刻攪掂, 唔需要擔心出發前冇飛的問題. 如果你肯定自己坐某一間航空公司, 同航空公司網頁買票比較方便. 但如果你一定要買平飛, 要格到最低價既, 咁你就要搵 agent (學聯咪一樣係 agent, 冇分別). 傑地會一次過幫你 check 晒 N 間航空公司的 offer, 比個最平既你, 但亦可能轉機轉死你... 所以你要考慮一下自己需要
直航的約為 4500 - 5500 蚊 (未計稅), 轉機的減 500 - 800 蚊左右
PS: 其實你可以考慮倫敦首站, 尾站係歐洲其他城市, 咁樣就唔駛迫自己一定要走回頭路了. 例如倫敦首站, 玩完法國, 比利時, 荷蘭, 德國, 瑞士, 尾站係意大利走... 純粹意見, 有問題可 E-MAIL 給我.
2006-12-31 7:29 am
1. can try the web also
esp the connecting short flights
my friends have previously buy very cheap as they bought very early
remeber to check those attached conditions/ terms

2. not regular, but more likely if it's low season

3. Heard that it's bad for BA, expansive and not quite the standard
personally like CX

4. need to check the prices, u still have time to look around first

5. i'm not sure, but the most recent promotion
Air NZ $3800, CX ~ $3900
they'll update later maybe
and also remeber to check some flights with stops in between maybe cheaper but the reliability is lower as they need to stop at other places and may delay

wish u good trip ^0^
2006-12-31 6:38 am
2006-12-30 4:19 pm
dont dont dont dont dont ride 英國航空

they are suck!they demage all my luggage and it took half yr to paid me bacj the $!!!
and they have New baggage policy announced seem..like you can only can only check in 1 luggage for econ class other have to hand carry~
ba price around 6800 ( 60/days) this is now to 2007 whole yr price

virgin would be alright or air fance

but i guess you ride CX is the best.
b4 i check the price is around 4650-5500 ( 30days but now sold out now is $ 8xxx ) so i guest you can bought it later aound the end of feb lol
參考: myself
2006-12-30 9:45 am
OASIS airline HK$1000/ticket direct flight to London. 新聞報導就係果次首航有問題果間. 你可以去佢個案website 訂

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