健身中心California Fitness Centers

2006-12-30 8:48 am
真係好想做運動,因為California Fitness近我所以就入左會

回答 (4)

2006-12-30 9:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
I also have this kind of experience. I went there they talked the same thing and I told them seriously that I want to do exercise alone. DO not disturb me, please. Another time I went there, my membership is almost expired. I went there check in at Mongkok. The guy took my card and went to his desk but I didn't follow. He waved his hand to ask me to go in. I waved my hand to ask him to come out. He then asked me if I wanted to extend and I said I don't think i will. Then he asked me again if you really do not want then I cancel your membership. ( I know that he cannot do it because I paid and can go to California until the last day. )Then I took my card from his hand and asking him "I do not understand why you are so pushy?" I heard him said just asking. But I ignore him and went to the changing room.
I will call to customer service and complain about him. California wil be in dead meat.
2008-01-20 4:57 am
一樣係 whampoa 店
其實我168cm 得110 係唔會肥囉
我join 左無幾耐
我好想喊 所以我都想退會
如果你退會 不如教下我點做呀
2007-01-08 8:48 am
你去開邊間 ga ?
我係 new member, 覺得ok woo~ 
我係 mongkok 百實利。
無人迫到的買d 咩 plan , 
仲有, 我想做咩就做咩。

我過左第一堂 pt 啦~佢話我健康 woo~ 
但又怕我唔識用, 會弄傷; 咁都會 有pot 咁 sales 下 low 。
但佢地唔會黑 sales;
我呢左 2個 week , 都未遇過黑 sales的事。
我一直都可以 開心咁 玩想玩的野; 無人阻過我。
我是大專的學生, 有時仲係大堂睇下書都 ok a~ 

絛人主動呢煩我 woo~ 
有時 遇到個 負責我的 sales, 都係講下笑傾下計的。
佢有次見我溫書, 都有d驚訝, 不過都叫我比心機溫多一陣 la~

做野到tired , 咪去 玩一陣 low~
then 再做野 係好 的 release~!

因為我入會, 諗住呢玩。
又唔係纖體, 或者其他有目的。
如果你比d pt 知你係有目的的話, 佢一定 sales 你的;
只係睇下你覺得自己有無 需要 lo~

我之前都唔知california 有咁多唔好的新聞係網上面。
join 左之後先驚, 但我玩落又無野 woo~

參考: my feelings
2007-01-01 8:03 am
Just ignore them. You should buy a T-shirt that says "Do not disturb, I am working out". If a personal trainer come to bother you, don't say anything. Just point at your T-shirt and wave good-bye.

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