HELP 250字,可以點作

2006-12-30 7:16 am
you write responses for a problem page on a teen web site. write an appropriate response.

Dear xx

please give me some advice? I think that my brother is stealing from his job.he has lots of new sports gear. I asked him how he's able to buy so much stuff already ,and he said employees are allowed to take what they like. I asked his friend if this was true since he works there too,and he said that employees are only entitled to a shop discount once for three months. What should i do?

回答 (2)

2006-12-30 7:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
Dear XX,
I am glad that you ask me for the advice! First of all, don't be so worry about this, take it easy. You are wondering your brother is stealing from his company or not. I think you have found out the answer as you have asked your friend who works there too. So I think prompt action should be taken.
First, you should talk with your brother about this problem, to show your concern to him, and ask him the truth directly. If he stil tell lie on this stuff, you should blame on him seriously. If he still keep his mind in the dark, please find other friends for help and talk with him and tell him that his behaviour is totally wrong.
If he still steal the things from company, please contact the police, and let the police to investigate. I know calling the police is not the best responses for this. But you should to this, as we all know that stealing is a serious crime.
I hope you can handle this finally. If you got any questions, just post it on the web site, and we will give you advice to solve all these.

Best wishes,

ps:I am in hurry, the grammar maybe made some mistake, please check it yourself
參考: myself
2006-12-30 7:43 am
你係唔係問"dear xx"依篇文, 就係the problem page on a teen web site? 然後想我幫你諗下個response to 個篇文?
如果係咁ge話:: 你可以寫話你勸佢brother囉....
你話你覺得佢brother所做ge事係唔岩ge. 如果想要野就一定要自己儲錢而唔應該去偷(然後引用下d名句ar下位)因為如果比其他人踢爆左會連份工都無埋.仲可能會坐監.到時有案底想做咩都唔得.如果勸過佢brother佢都唔認ge話.你就可以建議佢話嚇佢brother話會報警/同佢老闆講.到時佢brother想唔認都唔得啦~
參考: 自己作...唔好抄我呀!我第一個答ga!!!!!!!!!

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