旅行用sim card還是phone card還是什麼好?

2006-12-30 6:07 am
我下星期要到紐西蘭旅行, 但我不知要怎樣處理電話聯絡問題。旅途中, 我主要與紐西蘭當地聯絡, 當然如果可以與香港聯絡就更好, 那我應該在紐西蘭買sim card?? sim card是不是有pre-pay和不pre-pay分? 是什麼買60分鐘, 100分鐘, 對嗎? 我可以在哪兒買到? 機場有沒有??


回答 (2)

2007-01-03 8:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
It would be better to buy a local sim card in new zealand.

Pre-paid is much better, 'cos you can use it for only few days or few months with the same price. after u finish all the credits in the prepaid sim card, all you need to do is to recharge... that's so easy.

you could go into a vodafone, smartone, optus shop. in there, you could buy a sim card. There's normally no such shops in the airport, but u could still ask the ppl whether there is or not.
2007-01-02 7:59 pm
我建議你買 pre-paid 的sim card, 既可以打本地電話
同完再加錢, 用左幾多又容易控制

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