✔ 最佳答案
1. 自殺的共通目的是一種尋求解決問題的方法
(The common purpose of suicide is to seek a solution)
2. 自殺的共通目標是終止個人的感覺或意識
(The common goal of suicide is cessation of consciousness)
3. 自殺的誘因通常是來自心理上不能忍受的痛苦
(The common stimulus is suicide is intolerable psychological pain)
4. 自殺的壓力來源普遍來自不能滿足的心理需要
(The common stressor in suicide is frustrated psychological need)
5. 自殺者的情緒狀態通常是無望及無助
(The common emotion in suicide is hopelessness-helplessness)
6. 自殺者的個人認知狀態通常是充滿衝突和矛盾
(The common cognitive state in suicide is ambivalence)
7. 自殺者的理解力或領悟力通常是變得狹隘
(The common perceptual state in suicide is constriction)
8. 自殺者的行動通常是單向出路(不能回頭)
(The common action in suicide is egression)
9. 自殺者共通的人際交往行為是傳遞自己(自殺)的意向
(The common interpersonal act in suicide is communication of intention)
10 自殺者通常利用自殺作為一種一貫應付問題的方法
(The common consistency in suicide is life-long coping patterns)