(12/29) 中譯英 ~~ 急

2006-12-30 2:06 am
如果想話 “ 我收到妳的評語,不過真係唔係好清楚or明白你實際想要咩特別效果 ??? 可唔可以詳細d解決或者比個相片or 實辦比間廠跟住黎做,因為生產時間真係唔多 ~~ 已經好急 !! 希望妳可以幫下手 ~~thanks !!

回答 (3)

2006-12-30 2:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
I have received your comment, but I am sorry to say that I do not really understand what kind of special effect you actually want. I would appreciate if you could explain in detail or send us a photo or a sample so that the factory can follow. The production time is already running short. It would be grateful if you could give a hand. Thank you very much.
參考: 自己
2006-12-30 9:39 pm
Think sentence " I receive comment of you, but well, is it clear or understand you want baa special result actually to fasten really? ? ? But well, not can detailed d solve or can't run than pieces of photograph or in fact than among factory, with living in Li to make, because production time is really well much ~~ Already very urgent! ! Hope you can help to start ~~thanks ! !
2006-12-30 2:09 am

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