bare infinitive

2006-12-30 1:59 am
咩叫bare infinitive

咁下面呢D點做牙?(bare infinitive) 1.The teacher lets her students. . . . . . . . .(write/board) 2.The coach watches them.......................(kick/ball)


唔好意思 我都係唔係幾明牙?

回答 (1)

2006-12-30 2:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
to infinitive即係用infinitive之前加to
e.g. I want to eat an apple.

bare infinitve則唔洗加to
有d字後面係唔洗用to infinitive
see, hear, let, make

e.g. I saw you eat an apple.

2006-12-29 18:14:20 補充:
再講多少少.. 點解要用infinitive..係因為一句句子只可以有一個main verb(主動詞)多過一個, 多數都要轉後面個d.. 將佢地轉做infinitive(基本式)或者gerund( ing)用infinitive既時候, 大部分既字要加to除左某d verbs e.g. see, hear, let, make

2006-12-29 18:14:35 補充:
仲有係情態動詞(modal verb)eg. can, will, may, should後面都要用bare infinitivee.g. I will go to school.e.g. He should see a doctor.

2006-12-29 18:17:20 補充:
你自己諗下喇wor平時你用左一個動詞之後再加動詞.. 要係第二個動詞前加toe.g. I go to see a concert.而家唔洗加to咋嘛平時你可能會寫The teacher lets her students to write on the board. (錯ga伊句)而家唔可以加to.. 即係點呢?e.g. The teacher lets her students write..... 我唔教哂你喇~ 打唔到咁多字.. 自己諗埋落去啦
參考: 自己

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