改改我的詩(藍天行動) (english) 急

2006-12-29 10:53 pm
Action blue sky do the best .
Blue sky fighters take a rest .

We like flash air .
Can we find every where ?

We like blue sky .
Where can we buy?
We should try .

each 段should have 押韻
you can 改文法......spelling ........加段.....tenses,,,,

回答 (1)

2006-12-29 11:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Action blue sky do the best .
Blue sky fighters take a rest . . - 改為 no rest 意思會積極 d

We (all )like flash air .
Can we find every where ? - - Do you know where to find ?

We like blue sky .
Where can we buy? -- From where can we buy ?
We should try .


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