
2006-12-29 9:11 pm

回答 (3)

2006-12-30 5:23 am
✔ 最佳答案

1. 估計面試員可能提出的問題,並嘗試作答
2. 認識申請課程及該學校的情況
3. 選擇合適面試衣服
4. 準備面試隨身物品
5. 面試的目的是讓面試員深入了解你,以決定你是否合適人選。因此,如果你表現出對自己的能力、個性及就業傾向了解不足,便會大大影響面試員對你的評價。
6. 我們必須認識自己,以回答面試員提出有關自己的問題

1. 請介紹一下自己。
‧ 資料應與學校 / 課程相關

2. 你覺得自己有什麼優點?
‧ 應針對課程所需的技能及經驗,集中簡述與課程相關的長處

3. 你覺得自己有什麼缺點?
‧ 應避重就輕,只提出一、兩個對工作影響性不大,及與所申請課程要求無關的缺點
‧ 優點和缺點有時是觀點與角度的問題。提出缺點的同時,可以它正面之處作補充

4. 你有什麼嗜好和興趣?
‧ 盡量講及與課程特性有關的嗜好及興趣
‧ 就能夠顯示自己長處及成就的興趣發揮

5. 你為什麼申請這課程?
‧ 說明該課程、學校及行業吸引你的地方
‧ 具備課程要求的資歷及條件亦應該是你申請該課程的其中一個原因,故可考慮加以說明
‧ 說明該課程及學校如何配合你本身對工作的興趣、前途的期望、發揮機會等

以下問題, 只屬參考性質, 老師可因應須要而作出修改, 或自訂問題。

1. 學業方面
a) 著學生介紹自己兩篇作文有何好處
b) 如學生欠帶作文, 可自訂一些題目問他們如何創作
c) 如學生欠帶英文作文, 可叫學生以英文介紹自己、家庭或學校等
d) 詢問學生喜歡什麼科目, 及喜歡這科目的原因

2. 家庭方面
a) 介紹自己的家庭成員
b) 詢問家中生活的情況, 開心與否, 喜歡與哪個家人說心底話

3. 性格方面
a) 介紹自己的性格
b) 家人對自己有什麼評價
c) 同學和朋友對自己有什麼評價

4. 時事方面
a) 最近熱門話題
b) 香港經濟 / 財政報告
c) 特首連任
d) 中央與香港特區的關係

5. 宗教方面
a) 自己或家人有沒有宗教信仰
b) 就讀本校有沒有宗教上的衝突

6. 對本校的認識
a) 校風
b) 學制
c) 宗教
d) 歷史
e) 母語教學
f) 有沒有親友就讀本校
2017-01-07 8:05 pm
2007-01-03 4:32 am
A. 類型:
1. 個人資料
2. 家人 ( 職業、嗜好及關係等 )
3. 興趣及嗜好
4. 時事
5. 情境問題
6. 閱讀文章 ( 中或英文 ), 之後回答問題

B. 面試形式:
1. 由一至數位老師面見
2. 家長一同面見
3. 小組進行

C. 採用的語言:

Ø 你的興趣是什麼?
Ø 介紹一下你的家庭。
Ø 為甚麼你會選擇我們的學校?
Ø 自我介紹‘
Ø 講述最近一則新聞。
Ø 你在假日會到哪裏玩?
Ø 詢問對一些時事的看法。
Ø 如果給你三個願望,你會怎樣用?
Ø 給一篇英文文章,其中有部分動詞錯的,把文章唸出來時加以糾正。
Ø 描寫圖中發生的事 (中文)
Ø What is your favourite country?
Ø Why do you choose our school?
Ø Which primary school are you studied at?
Ø Can you introduce yourself?
Ø Do you usually use internet?
Ø 你長大後想做甚麼?
Ø 你最喜歡看哪本書籍?
Ø 如果有同學受到欺凌,你會怎樣做?
Ø 你滿不滿意自己的成績?
Ø 你在學校有沒有參加課外活動?
Ø 如果你有一塊口香糖,你會如何利用?
Ø 你曾否獲得甚麼獎項?
Ø 你打算在入學後加入甚麼學會?
Ø 畫一幅素描及一幅自由創作畫
Ø 你的妹妹是怎麼樣?
Ø 你有沒有其他途徑去學英語?
Ø 用特別的形式介紹自己。
Ø 你知道學校最特別是有甚麼課程?
Ø 如果你被取錄了,你會對哪一科更加努力,為甚麼?

Suggested writing topics:
1. Self-introduction

2. About your (primary) school

3. Favourite Pastime / Hobbies

4. About Reading

5. Future Dreams

6. ***Why do you choose this (secondary) school?

1. Self-introduction
l Briefly introduce / describe yourself
l Do you have any brothers or sisters?
l Can you tell me something about your family?
l Where do you live?
l When’s your birthday?
l How tall are you? What is your weight

2. About your (primary) school
l What is the name of your school?
l Is it a whole-day school? No, I am in the afternoon session.
l Would you tell me something about your school?
l Which subject do you like?
l Why do you like this subject?
l How do you go to your school every day?
l Have you joined / participated in any extra-curricula activities at school? Do you like them? Why?
l What competition have you taken part in?
l Have you got any prizes in the competition/ Festival?
l Does your brother(s) or sister(s) go to the same school?
l How long does it take to travel from your home to your present school?

3. Favourite Pastime / Hobbies
l What are your hobbies / interests?
l Why do you like it/ them?
l What do you usually do during your leisure time?
l Who do you usually go with?
l How do you usually spend your weekend/ holiday?
l What did you do last Saturday / Sunday?
l Do you read newspaper/ do exercise every day?
l Which newspaper do you read every day?
l What are you going to do in the coming summer holiday / vacation / Easter?
l Do you like watching (sports on) TV? Which programmes do you like? Why?
l Are you good at sports?
l Are you a good ____ (swimmer / tennis player/ basketball player…)?

4. About Reading
l Do you like reading?
l What sort of books do you like most? I like reading (fictions, scientific books, history, romance, comic…).
l * Can you introduce one book in which you find most interesting? ( I like ___ most. I like it because ( the words are not difficult/ easy to understand / the pictures are pretty and attractive / the story is interesting)
l How often do you read? I read once/ twice/ three times a week.
l How often do you go to the library?

5. Future Dreams
l What do you want to do when you grow up?
l What would you like to be when you grow up?
l Why?

6. Why do you choose this (secondary) school?
l ***Why do you like to study in this school?
l (Find some information about a famous person you like most.—e.g. Dr Sun Yat-san, Mr. Donald Tsang, etc )
參考: 過往中學面試既內容

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