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本港廢物污染嚴重 Dr.eye: This harbour of wastes are seriously polluted
實際上,本港目前每日生產的固體垃圾量雖頗為驚人,但僅較十年前增長了百分之二十,即過去十年平均每年的增長不足百分之二,表明十年前本港的廢物污染問題就已相當嚴重。 Dr.eye: In fact, the solid rubbish amount produced every day at present in this harbour is rather surprising, but fewer than 2% of growth equally more annual only than to increase by 20% ten years ago, namely in the past ten years, indicate one year harbour this wastes pollute problem on quite serious already. 儘管港府早於十多年前就已經提出要減少固體廢物,但具體有效的減廢方案卻一直未能出籠。 Dr.eye: Had already proposed reducing the solid waste more than ten years ago though the government of Hong Kong is earlier than, but the concrete and effective one reduces the scheme of abolishing and fails to come forth all the time. 迄今本港先後已有十三個垃圾堆填區溢滿,而現有的三個垃圾堆填區也快要飽和。 Dr.eye: This harbour had successively already had 13 rubbish heap filling out areas that overflowed fully so far, and would saturate soon in three existing rubbish heap filling out areas. 這些本港極其珍貴的土地資源竟讓垃圾長期霸佔,每年還要耗用數以十億計的公帑來處理,而且其中有不少垃圾是具回收再造效益的,實在是即浪費資源,又污染環境,難以長期為繼。 Dr.eye: The harbour precious land resource let the rubbish forcibly occupied for a long time unexpectedly extremely, will consume 1 billions of public moneys to deal with every year, and much rubbish have the one that retrieve and give a new lease of life to benefit among them, really waste resources promptly and pollute the environment again, difficult in order to continue for a long time.