
2006-12-29 6:55 pm
1) 爸爸,媽媽把我的bb有趣相刋登在報紙上.
2) 這張相是我幼稚園畢業禮
3) 你哋睇下, 這是我第一次去卡啦ok唱歌
4) 升上一年級了, 穿著校服的樣子好醒目啊

回答 (2)

2006-12-29 7:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1)Mum and dad post my cute baby photo on new-paper.
2)This photo is take in kindergarten when i was graduate.
3)You see!This is my first time sing in the karaoke.
4)I am in primary1!Am i look smart when i wear a school uniform?

Hope i can help you!
參考: ME
2006-12-29 7:26 pm
1)My mum and dad posted my baby photo to the newspaper.

3)You see! This is the first time I go to karaoke .

4)I looked very smart when I wear the school uniform .


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