what is the meaning of " golden rule "

2006-12-29 11:24 am
what is the meaning of " golden rule "

完全唔明 咁邊個先係 ?

回答 (3)

2006-12-29 11:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
真理 ( 宗教 , 道德 , 歷史 , 倫理 )
2006-12-29 8:27 pm
what is the meaning of " golden rule "
Golden rule (noun) = 非常重要的規則, 必需遵守的規條.
Golden rule = a very important rule to be abided.
參考: SELF
2006-12-29 5:27 pm
Within the context of law, the Golden rule, also known as the British rule, means that the words of a statute should be understood in their ordinary sense.

An adaptation of the plain meaning rule. It provides that wordings should be given their ordinary meaning as far as possible, but only to the extent that they do not produce an absurd or totally obnoxious result.

This rule may be used in two ways.
1/ It is applied most frequently in a narrow sense where there is some ambiguity or absurdity in the words themselves.
2/ A wider sense, to avoid a result that is obnoxious to principles of public policy, even where words have only one meaning.

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