改一個eng name

2006-12-29 11:12 am
想我中文名是sui ki
改一個eng name

回答 (2)

2006-12-29 11:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
如果你是女生,叫 SUKI 就非常好,因為都好像你中文名字啊~
2006-12-29 12:01 pm
Name - Origin - Meaning

Suchitra - Hindu - N/A
Sudevi - Hindu - Wife of Krishna
Sudha - Hindu - N/A
Sue - American - Lily
Sukanya - Hindu - N/A
Sukey - Japanese - From the name SUSAN
Suki - Japanese - Beloved
Zudora - Arabic - Laborer
Zula - Hebrew - N/A
Zuri - Swahili - Beautiful
Zuriaa - Basque - N/A
Zuriel - Hebrew - God is my rock
Zuwena - Swahili - Good
Zuza - Czech - Graceful lily
Zuzela - Native American - A wife of Sitting Bull
Zytka - Polish - Rose Flower

2006-12-29 22:10:17 補充:
You are a boy or a girl? The names provided above are girl's names. If you are a boy, I will find some for your consideration :)

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