
2006-12-29 10:52 am




回答 (2)

2006-12-29 12:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案


如果要削減,即表示政府不再同情市民.不向政府施行的政策負責 .

It is perfected that it is awarded that comprehensive to offer the most basic living guarantee to the weak tendency community under government's society. Can't enjoy citizens of the national income together in one. Though he does not work, pay tax , represent he contribute for society.

Or his disability, have work to do after offering the medical personnel, he wants to have a meal, have also offered a strength for the thing that the rice grain is imported. Because there are the societies to take can just make progress hour.

Or he go through the war at the teenager, he is not educated , it is the society that can offer , also can be said that the society makes him not have a reading chance. So the society should compensate for his losses .

If cut down , namely show that the government does not sympathize with citizens again. Policy not implemented to the government is responsible for
參考: 譯典通
2006-12-29 5:25 pm



英:The synthesis gives is under the perfect government society provides the most basic social security to the weak trend social group.Resident cannot enjoy the national income together who in one.Although he has not worked,Has not paid taxes,But does not represent him not to contribute for the society.
Or he physical disabilities,Provided had the medical care personnel to have the work to do,He wants to eat meal,Also all has provided a strength for the rice import.Because the society has time the need only then may have the progress.
Or when his youth experiences the war,He has not received the education,Is the society cannot provide,Also may say is the society makes him not to study the opportunity.Therefore the society should need to pay indemnity for his damage.
If must reduce,Namely expressed the government no longer sympathizes with the resident.The policy which executes to the government is not responsible

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