英文問題!!!please help!!

2006-12-29 9:48 am
要我rewrite d sentences being with present participle or past participle phrase..
咁我唔係好識,,所以我就把全部的sentences 改為present participle phrase..
其實做呢d題目要注意d咩..點先知道邊句要轉做present participle定past participle??
please help me!!!

就係呢幾條題目啦~ 1.Lisa felt very hungry so she had a big lunch. 2.The fans were amazed at the result of the football match so they started jumping around the stadium. 3.Sharon was bored by the book so she fell asleep on the sofa.


4.Mickey felt unwell so she rushed to the washroom. 5.Barbie took off her jacket and started to paint the wall. 6.Pete was surprised by the principal"s visit, and he nearly fell off his chair.

回答 (1)

2006-12-29 6:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Peter walked down the street. He saw a beggar.
>> Walking down the street, Peter saw a beggar.
walk係active voice, Peter行路 ,所以用present particple

Peter was hit by a ball. At the same time, he saw a beggar.
>> Hit by a ball, Peter saw a beggar.
was hit係passive voice, Peter被打, 所以有past particple.

1. Lisa felt very hungry, so she had a big lunch.
>> Feeling very hungry, Lisa had a big lunch.
feel係active voice所以用present participle

2.The fans were amazed at the result of the football match so they started jumping around the stadium.
>> Amazed at the result of the football match, the fans started jumping around the stadium.
你were amazed係passive voice.. d fans係被amaze.. 所以用past participle

2006-12-29 10:49:39 補充:
自己試下喇wor..3) was bored係active定passve?所以應該係A定B?A - Boring by the book, Sharon feel asleep on the sofa.B - Bored by the book, Sharon ..........4)felt係active定passve?A - feeling unwell, Mickey rushed to the washroom.B - Felt unwell, Mickey ...............

2006-12-29 10:50:03 補充:
而家應該明啦嘛?自己諗下5,6啦~ 我教哂你你都要自己諗下ga~!諗下took off 同was surprised係active定passive
參考: 自己

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