So, just what is the best way to make a good first impression with a women?

2006-12-29 6:06 am
How do you know if you have made a good impression? Do women actually know in the first couple of minutes if you are a suitable person to go to bed with?

回答 (28)

2006-12-29 6:07 am
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I know within 5 mins.
2006-12-29 2:08 pm
2006-12-29 2:08 pm
Excuse me?
2006-12-29 2:08 pm
show her your fat wallet
2006-12-29 2:28 pm
For one thing, that is so immature and women don't like that. What's up with you men. Women want a sturdy relationship. Not just a bunch of short lived partying. Stop being a pig and care about our feelings. We are not disposable whenever it is convenient for you. Be a women's friend before trying anything else. No offense or anything ;)
2006-12-29 2:18 pm
if going to bed is your only concern then why r u even worried about your impression? thatz just sick! i think u should respect the woman rather than just thinking about going to bed with them....
2006-12-29 2:14 pm
1) First Impression - just be yourself.. Women like men that are confident, honest, and fun loving... when a woman sees a man in the world that exudes self confidence it really peaks their curiosity. they will make some move, usually very slight, but if you learn to recognize it you can play on it by acknowledging it subtly.. e.g. not in words necessarily but something like "yea, I think you're pretty hot too"..
2) First Couple of Minutes - I have heard this and I do believe it.
2006-12-29 2:13 pm
Ahhh...why not try getting to know someone first before thinking about sex...( yes I know men think about sex 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week....) take some time OFF, think about what YOU want in a woman. If you make a good first impression, the woman will let you know by staying with you and talking to you.
Women like honest, kind, caring, GENTLEMEN, with sense's of humor, someone who LISTENS. Try LISTENING and not sizing up someone for sex ONLY. (if all you want is sex, then look on street corners...theres plenty there...)
2006-12-29 2:13 pm
guys like u have this mark on their forehead that reads: "I want to get laid!" and that my dear is a neon light that will deflect most women.. it's unattractive and low.. it won't get u anywhere.. look good, smell nice, and sound intelligent and then perhaps it will get u somewhere
2006-12-29 2:12 pm
You'll know if you have made a good impression on a woman by the way she reacts to you. The best way to make a good first impression is to be yourself, always act like a gentleman, and always be sincere. Women will know if you're not being sincere, we're good at picking that sort of stuff up. Women will generally know in the first 5 to 10 minutes of meeting a man if he is boyfriend-material and if she is physically attracted to him enough that she would consider the possiblity of sleeping with him. Sometimes it may take a little bit longer, but generally women figure it out pretty quickly.
2006-12-29 2:11 pm
Focus on the more important will go farther. And it will have more meaning.
2006-12-29 2:11 pm
Why do we constantly allow guys to depict the way we feel or behave.

I'm sure most of us feel that we are independent self-reliant women yet when a guy doesn't call, we feel like ****. Suddenly we are no longer confident. Does he not like me anymore? Like wat the ****. I need to get off that hook. I need to think that i can move on. I know i can but i need time. After that i want no more emotional attachments cos they eventually hurt u. But i know no matter how much u tell urself to keep things becomes complicated.

Sch is ******* stressful with mid-terms on their way and project deadlines approaching like a looming dark cloud. Life has never been this stressful and boring. It's a routine. Sch-project meeting-home. But i dun think i can handle any distraction. It'll be too hectic. But my darlings..u can come and disturb me anytime. I appreciate the asking of my well being and concern from u people. It really helps.

I just want to make sure i never fall into the trap again. No matter how shitty or boring life can's still better than having ur heart heaved out of ur body and being trampled on.

When i see someone in love, i feel like yanking their heads out and filling it with hate. I wonder what's so especially abt love that one actually forgets his own identity? I'm not toking without experience..Infact i can say with much certainty that I hate the feeling of being in love..It makes u weak, vulnerable, clingy, wide-eyed, dreamy and so many other words i can come out with that associate back to being a loser.. Where's the strong, up-town, sophisticated, I-Know-i can -make-it on-my-own woman? I'm really a huge feminist.. which is why i dun give a **** abt what a guy has to offer me cos it's never enough and also i can get watever i want myself!
2006-12-29 2:10 pm
You can ask her out and be kind and not so pushy and don't be all nervous then she'll say no
2006-12-29 2:10 pm
Well ....for one thing l feel you are jumping the gun a bit.

The last thing you should be thinking of when meeting someone for the first jumping into bed with them.

A good impression is made by just being yourself...and please oh please...make some effort in presenting yourself in a nice casual outfit...that is clean and presentable.

At least that way it makes it look like youve made some sort of effort.

First impressions mean a lot.

Good luck.
2006-12-29 2:10 pm
Lick your eyebrows.
2006-12-29 2:10 pm
LOL have you been reading thoes stupid magazines at the checkout. To make a good impression be youself have a sense of humor and be confident in yourself and don't feel threatened and for the love of pete NO ALPAH MALE POSTURING this is what most males do and it's stupid. If she likes you she will pick you get to know her and show her you care about her by getting to know little things and acting on them.
2006-12-29 2:10 pm
yes but you can give her a drink
2006-12-29 2:09 pm
Start with an introduction with your name, a smile and a genuine complement.
If she smiles and gives you her name, you have made a good first impression. The rest is up to you and the booze.
2006-12-29 2:09 pm
My husband won me over by listening to what I had to say on the phone before the date, then showing up with a can of pepper spray (because he knew I was nervous about a blind date) and a magazine for a book club (because he knew I loved to read). Listen and take advice from what she says.
2006-12-29 2:09 pm
I personally like funny guys, but just be yourself and compliment :)
2006-12-29 2:09 pm
yeah pretty much, but it's not a guarantee you'll get there !!!
2006-12-29 2:09 pm
if youre just thinking about being in bed with her you shouldnt count on it.
2006-12-29 2:08 pm
women dont think if your good in bed til hours later or maybe even days. brush your teeth, look presentable and give the simple hi. compliment her smile or something. dont be to aggressive. try to be friends first
2006-12-29 2:08 pm
dress to impress and don't be arrogant.
2006-12-29 2:08 pm
smile you'd be surprised how well that works
2006-12-29 2:08 pm
have your fly open, it'll make them laugh and remember you..
2006-12-29 2:08 pm
Be cool.
2006-12-29 2:08 pm
one complement, walk away.

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