Basketball help?

2006-12-29 2:22 am
Okay, I'm a good basketball player, and I shoot really well, am a good defender,and doing everything really good. But in games I get extremely nervous, freeze up, and am too afraid to shoot. tonight I was 5 for 6...I mean if I shot more, think of all the points I'd be wracking up.

Anyone have advice on how to help me solve my problem? I have a tournament; we won our first game of this tournament today and the championship game is tomorrow. Help is definitely needed.=]

Thanks in advance.♥

回答 (15)

2006-12-29 2:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
dont over think. just go with the flow. from what i gather, you think too much when u get the ball. when ur waiting for the ball, give a second to look around u to see if u have an open lane or and open shot to take. but dont force anything up (i have a tendency to force shots when another dribble or a pass would do). try it during warm ups...get a teammate to "guard" you while u receive the ball and work with that. once u get a feel for this, it will come naturally to you. i had somewhat of this problem in baseball. im a pitcher and when the ball comes back to me (whether bunt or weak hit) i dont have much time to check if i should attempt to get the base runner going to the next base or just throw to 1st to get the batter out. after many practices of this i have a fair understanding on what to do (though i do screw up from time to time). hope this helps

btw good luck in your tourney
2006-12-30 12:01 am
U Have A Confidence Problem.... Dont Think The Players On The Court Are Better Than You - & Play Against The Best Players U Can Find Thats How You Build Your Confidence Up - Like Playing Against The Older Guys
2006-12-29 1:36 pm
Only half of the battle is having crazy talent. Most of basketball is mental every-time you shoot the ball you have to believe that it is going in. I know it seems gay but it really helps. I am a point-guard and I have had problems with my shot for the past few years but this year my form has become allot better.Although my shot was 100% better i was still in the mind set that i sucked at shooting. Now that i have gotten over that phase i score about 25 points per game... no bad for a girl ;)
2006-12-29 12:56 pm
Get NERVOUS. being nervous is a good thing. you'd be alert more. and shoot and shoot no matter if it misses or it sinks in. just don't think about anything just think. plus during defense get ready to shoot. drive the lane and get fouled so that you could shoot free throws which work wonders on not getting too much nervous. after that free throws you'll feel much much better.
2006-12-29 11:27 am
what i do before a game is go learn the other players names and the coaches and then 2 laps up and down the court im never nervous
2006-12-29 11:17 am
dont be nervous and throw up 2 shots early on if u miss both of them then slow down on the shooting but if u make 1 then keep jacking it up and youll b the womens iverson
2006-12-29 10:38 am
Not to give you a short answer or anything but just dont think about it, and just shoot the ball.
2006-12-29 10:35 am
think of one person in the audience, it doesn't necessarily have to be in the audince, and this person should be someone you are totally 100% percent comfortable around. focus ur concentartion on them, and pretend they are the only ones in the room, just block out everyone and everything else. (except ur but be confident..just do your thing. and think of how'd you feel at the end when you could've scored but didn't just because you were nervous, i'm sure that will drive you. also, just relax, don't be tense..calm yourself. you can do anything if you truly want to!! =)
2006-12-29 10:33 am
As a basketball player, you should only focus on the game and your team. A lot players get caught up by the fans and attention of the game, if you can just focus on the game and only the game, you shouldn't ever get nervous. A good way to jump start your focus for a game is to start shooting free throws before the game starts. This takes a tremendous amount of focus, because if you're not focused, then you will probably miss your free throws. Also take some head phones or an IPod on the court and listen to something that will get you mentally ready before the game (Vince Carter started that). Get a good pre-game routine and have more great games.
2006-12-29 10:26 am
Don't get nervous just because a lot of people are watching the game and your team needs to win. I always played as I were the MVP of the game, and I kicked a s s e s in the old days.

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