Friends what are your New Year resolutions for 2007?

2006-12-28 6:55 pm
I wish everyone a very happy new year in advance & hope that your resolutions will come true.

回答 (18)

2006-12-31 4:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
to be the best mom i can be to my 1st child anthony who will be born in feb. to teach him, help him grow, and to not lose my insanity.
參考: 1 child on feb 21
2016-11-25 9:28 am
Gladys you're merely the perfect!!!! i like your card and so considerate and relaxing!!! you ought to be queen of Ya!! ; ) xoxo Glayds locate me in my new avatar with out factors as I had to start over to that i might desire to e mail all and sundry. i'm nevertheless peapie yet little factors point 2 so hook up with me there ok???
2007-01-05 4:56 pm
Happy New Year to you too, I'm resolving to be more conscietious about recycling and more regular in my exercise routine.
2007-01-05 3:36 am
1. Take more pride in my work... it's not always about the money--I'm a kindergarten teacher, and even though I love my job, it sometimes does bother me that I'm not making as much money now as I did when I worked as a translator.

2. I'm going to work on my happiness... I will try to cut out from my life those things/people that contribute nothing positive.

3. I want to take my exercise regime to the max. I'm turning 30 this year, and by the time I do, I want to be in the best shape of my life.
2007-01-04 5:36 pm
new years resolution 4 2007
1. be nicer to other ppl
2.exercise more often
3.bring my dress size from 12 to 8 my family more my bpyfriend more
6.get better grades(as if)
7.spend less time on my laptop clothes from primark(zara is a bit too expensive)
2007-01-02 10:43 am
To be all that I can be for Christ and keep going higher and higher. It's 2007 and 7 is the number of completion. I feel that God is going to complete the work that He has started in His people. God bless you and may He prick your hearts today and stir up the gift that he has placed inside of you.
2007-01-02 8:03 am
Happy New Year to all! My ultimate resolution is to get back in shape this year!!
2006-12-31 9:00 pm
Thanks for asking. Well...

1) do very well at my new teaching job (starts in January)
2) get back in shape
3) find a nice girlfriend
4) promote my soon-to-be-published book.

Lots of big changes coming in 07. 05 and 06 were kinda miserable, so things are finally looking up. Thanks, and happy new year to everyone!
2006-12-31 1:13 pm
My New Year's Resolutions for 2007 are:

2. Hopefully date and marry TOBEY MAGUIRE, have his wonderful children, and be a sensational stepmother to his gorgeous daughter, Ruby Sweetheart.
3. Take better care of myself and my body; inside and outside.
4. Learn to love and appreciate myself more; inside and outside.
5. Live a long, ambitious, happy, healthy, immortal life.
6. Not worrying about everything and everyone.
7. Be cautious and careful each and every day of my life.
2006-12-28 7:27 pm
stick to an exercise plan! no snacking before dinner!!!
Happy New Year to you, too! And may everyone stick to their resolutions!
2006-12-28 6:58 pm
Get a budget started and stick with it.
Try to eat healthy at least 50% of the time
Try not to take things personally and in that regard not to be so defensive.

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