Is this sentence reasonable?

2006-12-29 7:04 am
Is this sentence reasonable? If not, how to correct it.(using high language level please)

"Couldn't be I afraid."

the above sentense appear wrongly the correct one should be: Could not be I afraid.

回答 (3)

2006-12-29 9:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
The sentence can mean a few different things when corrected

1. Could I not be afraid?

2. Could'nt I be afraid?

3. I could not be afraid

4. I could not help but be afraid
參考: 自己
2006-12-29 8:46 pm
Could not be I afraid.
如這句子意思是: 我應否害怕? ---- 應用 Shouldn't I be afraid?
又如這句子意思是: 我不會害怕.--- 應用 I wouldn't be afraid (of....)
參考: SELF
2006-12-29 7:24 am
Couldn't I be afraid?
I could not be afraid.

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