Economic concept 一問

2006-12-29 5:42 am
1.如果個chosen option需要俾錢,cost先等於full cost??
2.有冇一d野又係capital goods,又係free goods ga~~~又係consumer goods,又係economic goods gar??

回答 (1)

2006-12-29 5:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
-_- 是Economic basic concept...

1.如果個chosen option需要俾錢,cost先等於full cost??
如果個chosen option需要pay money,opp. cost = the money that you gave & the money that you can earn most in the same time

2.有冇一d野又係capital goods,又係free goods ga~~~又係consumer goods,又係economic goods gar??

通常一種物品都有兩種身份,第一種是free goods or economic goods,第二種是capital goods or consumer goods。

2006-12-28 22:11:49 補充:
Q1 eg.U can earn $50 at Fairwood in 3 hrs or u can earn $ 100 at A Rest. in 3 hrs. However, u went to watch movie (pay $40)with yr fds in this 3 hrs.yr opp. cost is 150 40 =$190

2006-12-28 22:12:27 補充:
Q2 eg. 1U sat on the beach and have a sun bath, that sunlight is a free good and consumer good because u don't need to pay the sunlight and enjoy for yr own use.

2006-12-28 22:12:48 補充:
Q2 eg. 2The TV set which is for teaching in our school, it is a economic good and capital good since we need to pay money to buy the TV set and it is for production.

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