present participle and past participle

2006-12-29 5:22 am
please rewrite the following sentences beginning with a present participle/past participle phrase!!
1.Lisa felt very hungry so she had a big lunch.
2.The fans were amazed at the result of the football match so they started jumping around the stadium.
3.Sharon was bored by the book so she fell asleep on the sofa.

4.Mickey felt unwell so she rushed to the washroom. 5.Barbie took off her jacket and started to paint the wall. 6.Pete was surprised by the principal"s visit, and he nearly fell off his chair.

回答 (2)

2006-12-30 7:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Lisa felt (active voice) >> Feeling very hungry, Lisa had a big lunch.
2. The fans were amazed (passive voice) >> Amazed at the result ..., the fans started ...
3. Sharon was bored (passive voice) >> Bored by the book, Sharon ...
4. Mickey felt (active voice) >> Feeling unwell, Mickey ...
5. Barbie took off (active voice) >> 這句跟以上的不同,因為took off和started是有先後次序的,所以要加上個after字: After taking off her jacket, Barbie ...
6. Pete was surprised (passive) >> Surprised by the principal's visit, Pete ...

你明白在甚麼時候用present participle,在甚麼時候用past participle麼?
2006-12-29 5:32 am
1. Having felt very hungry, Lisa had a big lunch.
2. Having amazed at the result of the football match, the fans started jumping around the standium.
3. Having bored by the book, Sharon fell asleep on the sofa.
4. Having felt unwell, Mickey rushed to the washroom.
5. Having her jacket taken off, Barbie started to paint the wall.
6. Having surprised by the principal's visit, Pete nearly fell off his chair.
參考: Myself

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