
2006-12-29 1:30 am



回答 (5)

2006-12-29 1:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
吸煙對於每個人的定義都不同,有些人贊成,有些人不反對.但我認為吸煙是有害,不但害了自己,呼出的二手煙更害了沒有吸煙的市民. Dr.eye: Definitions of everybody of smoking are all different, some people agree, some people do not object to it. Dr.eye: But I think that it is harmful to smoke, not only has hurt oneself, the second hand smoke breathed out has hurt citizens not smoking even more.

吸煙產生的煙霧含有多種化學物質如:焦油,尼古丁,一氧化碳等等有害物質. Dr.eye: The smog produced in smoking contains many kinds of chemical materials, for instance: Such harmful substances as tar, nicotine, the carbon monoxide,etc..
吸煙損害健康,會引致心臟病,肺癌,胃潰瘍等等嚴重疾病.你認為值得嗎? Dr.eye: Smoking impairs one's health, will cause the heart disease, lung cancer, such serious diseases as the gastric ulcer,etc.. Dr.eye: Do you think you deserve?

政府在2007年實行禁吸煙法例,在公眾地方例如:restaurant,公園,商埸等等都不準吸煙,但我相信有些吸煙的市民都會在沒有監視人員的情況下吸煙,甚至有些會不去例,在禁煙區吸煙,這些行為更不應該了. Dr.eye: It implement at 2007 government if prohibitting, for rule,at locality not public for example: Restaurant, the park, the traders Yi,etc. Dr.eye: are all forbidden to smoke, but I believe some citizens smoking will smoke in case of not monitoring personnel, even example that some will not go, smoke in the non-smoking area, behavior should not these.
我認為政府應該實行全面禁煙,這樣對市民好,又對空氣好,是一舉兩得的最好方法. Dr.eye: I think the government should ban on opium-smoking and the opium trade in an all-round way, it is kind to citizens like this, fine to the air, it is the best method to kill two birds with one stone.
參考: Dr.eye
2006-12-29 5:42 am
『Smoking is all different regarding each person's definition, somepeople approved, some people did not oppose But I thought smoking isharmful, not only has harmed own, exhales two smoke have harmed thesmoking resident.』=『吸煙對於每個人的定義都不同,有些人贊成,有些人不反對.但我認為吸煙是有害,不但害了自己,呼出的二手煙更害了沒有吸煙的市民

『Smoking produces the smog includes the many kinds of chemicalsubstance for example: Tar, Nicotine, carbon monoxide and so ondeleterious substance
The smoking harm health, can bring about the heart disease, the lungcancer, the gastric ulcer and so on the serious disease You thoughtis worth?』=吸煙產生的煙霧含有多種化學物質如:焦油,尼古丁,一氧化碳等等有害物質.

『The government implements in 2007 endures the smoking legalregulation, in public place for example: Restaurant, the park,business and so on all does not permit smoking, but I believedsome smoking the resident can in not monitor in personnel's situationto smoke, even somewhat cannot meet the example, is enduring smokearea smoking, these behaviors should not』=吸煙產生的煙霧含有多種化學物質如:焦油,尼古丁,一氧化碳等等有害物質.


『I thought the government should implement comprehensively endures thesmoke, like this to resident good, also is good to the air, is bestmethod which kills two birds with one stone』=我認為政府應該實行全面禁煙,這樣對市民好,又對空氣好,是一舉兩得的最好方法.
參考: 你可以去中國大陸個yahoo到按翻译。入面可以比你翻译好多野
2006-12-29 2:11 am
(Those translated paragraph above contains many grammar and spelling errors)

People have different perspective on smoking, some people agree to it and some people do not object to it. For my personal opinion, I strongly agree smoking is harmful to our personal health and second-hand smoke are also affecting to the non-smokers.

Many harmful chemical elements are containing in the smoke, such as tar; nicotine; the carbon monoxide and etc; and they may caused us some diseases, for instance heart disease, lung cancer, and etc; and do you think it’s worth to it.

The Hong Kong government is going to implemented the anti smoking law in the year 2007, prohibits people smoking in the public areas such as restaurants, parks, and shopping malls. I believe some people would still be smoking under no supervision or even worse is some people might be ignoring totally; and those behaviors are totally unacceptable.

I am strongly agreed to the newly anti smoking law, because people are going to be credited to it in the future.

2006-12-30 14:23:22 補充:
So many mistakes in the above translated paragraph, and i am wondering why you choosen it.
If you don't improve your English, you might find yourself difficult to adopt in the university.
參考: Translated by me
2006-12-29 1:37 am
Smoking is all different regarding each person's definition, some people approved, some people did not oppose.But I thought smoking is harmful, not only has harmed own, exhales two smoke have harmed the smoking resident.

Smoking produces the smog includes many kinds of chemical substance for example:Tar, Nicotine, carbon monoxide and so on deleterious substance.
The smoking harm health, can bring about heart disease, the lung cancer, the gastric ulcer and so on the serious disease.You thought is worth?

The government implements in 2007 endures the smoking legal regulation, in public place for example:restaurant, the park, business border between fields and so on all does not permit smoking, but I believed some smoking the resident can in not monitor in personnel's situation to smoke, even somewhat cannot meet the example, smokes in no smoking section, these behaviors should not.
I thought the government should implement bans opium smoking comprehensively, like this is good to the resident, also is good to the air, is best method which kills two birds with one stone.
參考: WorldLingo
2006-12-29 1:34 am
Definitions of everybody of smoking are all different, some people agree, some people do not object to it. Dr.eye: But I think that it is harmful to smoke, not only has hurt oneself, the second hand smoke breathed out has hurt citizens not smoking even more.
The smog produced in smoking contains many kinds of chemical materials, for instance: Such harmful substances as tar, nicotine, the carbon monoxide,etc..
Smoking impairs one's health, will cause the heart disease, lung cancer, such serious diseases as the gastric ulcer,etc.. Do you think you deserve.
It implement at 2007 government if prohibitting, for rule,at locality not public for example: Restaurant, the park, the traders Yi,etc. Dr.eye: are all forbidden to smoke, but I believe some citizens smoking will smoke in case of not monitoring personnel, even example that some will not go, smoke in the non-smoking area, behavior should not these.
I think the government should ban on opium-smoking and the opium trade in an all-round way, it is kind to citizens like this, fine to the air, it is the best method to kill two birds with one stone.

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