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吸煙對於每個人的定義都不同,有些人贊成,有些人不反對.但我認為吸煙是有害,不但害了自己,呼出的二手煙更害了沒有吸煙的市民. Dr.eye: Definitions of everybody of smoking are all different, some people agree, some people do not object to it. Dr.eye: But I think that it is harmful to smoke, not only has hurt oneself, the second hand smoke breathed out has hurt citizens not smoking even more.
吸煙產生的煙霧含有多種化學物質如:焦油,尼古丁,一氧化碳等等有害物質. Dr.eye: The smog produced in smoking contains many kinds of chemical materials, for instance: Such harmful substances as tar, nicotine, the carbon monoxide,etc..
吸煙損害健康,會引致心臟病,肺癌,胃潰瘍等等嚴重疾病.你認為值得嗎? Dr.eye: Smoking impairs one's health, will cause the heart disease, lung cancer, such serious diseases as the gastric ulcer,etc.. Dr.eye: Do you think you deserve?
政府在2007年實行禁吸煙法例,在公眾地方例如:restaurant,公園,商埸等等都不準吸煙,但我相信有些吸煙的市民都會在沒有監視人員的情況下吸煙,甚至有些會不去例,在禁煙區吸煙,這些行為更不應該了. Dr.eye: It implement at 2007 government if prohibitting, for rule,at locality not public for example: Restaurant, the park, the traders Yi,etc. Dr.eye: are all forbidden to smoke, but I believe some citizens smoking will smoke in case of not monitoring personnel, even example that some will not go, smoke in the non-smoking area, behavior should not these.
我認為政府應該實行全面禁煙,這樣對市民好,又對空氣好,是一舉兩得的最好方法. Dr.eye: I think the government should ban on opium-smoking and the opium trade in an all-round way, it is kind to citizens like this, fine to the air, it is the best method to kill two birds with one stone.