
2006-12-29 1:12 am

回答 (5)

2006-12-29 1:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.我找不到我有興趣的工作 Dr.eye: 1.I can not find my interesting work
2.我對這份工作很有興趣,而且跟我主修的科目有關 Dr.eye: 2.I feel a great interest in this job, and relate to subject that I major in
3.我讀新聞系 Dr.eye: 3.I read the news department
4.是,我相信我的能力足夠應付此工作 Dr.eye: 4.Yes, I believe my ability is enough to deal with this work
5.英文我沒問題,因為我曾經去英國做交換生. Dr.eye: 5.English I am out of question, because I once went to Britain to exchange growing.
6.是.我的語言不錯,我在台灣生活很多年了. Dr.eye: 6.Yes. Dr.eye: My language is good, I have lived for a lot of years in Taiwan .
7.對於剛畢業生,我的要求不會很高,大約只要2萬就可以了. Dr.eye: 7.To just graduate, my demand will not be very high, probably so long as 20,000 is all right.
參考: Dr.eye
2007-01-01 11:27 pm
2006-12-29 1:40 am
那些用翻譯機的... 真的是一塌糊塗.
用翻譯機後也應該看看文理通不通順吧!!! 隨便的copy & paste...
不要盡答一些''垃圾''可以嗎?? ~_~'' (語氣重了些, 但是事實)
更甚的是三人也是用Dr. Eye... 那便是重覆答案了吧!

這些所謂的翻譯, 要是用在真的面試上, 鐵定失敗...

答題時要有自信, 但不要自大, 應該適當地謙虛.
我翻的這幾句你只應作為參考, 其實不應直接使用(跟自己風格會不同啊~)

1. I cannot find a job that interests me.
2. I have a great interest on this job. It is related to my studies as well.
3. I majored in Journalism.
(是大學學位嗎? 那麼說 I received a degree in Journalism 也可以)
4. Yes(常答yes 會很悶的, 可以答Sure). I believe I am capable of taking up this job.
5. I believe I do not have any problem in English as I have been an exchange student in the United Kingdom.
6. Yes(常答yes 會很悶的, 可以答Sure). My language skill is quite good. I have been in Taiwan for many years.
7. As a fresh graduate, I would only ask for a reasonable salary. My expected salary is 20 Thousand dollars.

2007-01-01 22:06:32 補充:
參考: 自己
2006-12-29 1:26 am
1.我找不到我有興趣的工作 Dr.eye: 1.I can not find my interesting work

2.我對這份工作很有興趣,而且跟我主修的科目有關 Dr.eye: 2.I feel a great interest in this job, and relate to subject that I major in

3.我讀新聞系 Dr.eye: 3.I read the news department

4.是,我相信我的能力足夠應付此工作 Dr.eye: 4.Yes, I believe my ability is enough to deal with this work

5.英文我沒問題,因為我曾經去英國做交換生. Dr.eye: 5.English I am out of question, because I once went to Britain to exchange growing.

6.是.我的語言不錯,我在台灣生活很多年了. Dr.eye: 6.Yes. Dr.eye: My language is good, I have lived for a lot of years in Taiwan .

7.對於剛畢業生,我的要求不會很高,大約只要2萬就可以了. Dr.eye: 7.To just graduate, my demand will not be very high, probably so long as 20,000 is all right.
參考: 線上中文翻譯英文
2006-12-29 1:20 am
1.我找不到我有興趣的工作 Dr.eye: 1.I can not find my interesting work

2.我對這份工作很有興趣,而且跟我主修的科目有關 Dr.eye: 2.I feel a great interest in this job, and relate to subject that I major in

3.我讀新聞系 Dr.eye: 3.I read the news department

4.是,我相信我的能力足夠應付此工作 Dr.eye: 4.Yes, I believe my ability is enough to deal with this work

5.英文我沒問題,因為我曾經去英國做交換生. Dr.eye: 5.English I am out of question, because I once went to Britain to exchange growing.

6.是.我的語言不錯,我在台灣生活很多年了. Dr.eye: 6.Yes. Dr.eye: My language is good, I have lived for a lot of years in Taiwan .

7.對於剛畢業生,我的要求不會很高,大約只要2萬就可以了. Dr.eye: 7.To just graduate, my demand will not be very high, probably so long as 20,000 is all right.
參考: Yahoo翻譯

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