
2006-12-29 12:25 am

回答 (2)

2006-12-29 12:59 am
fuel rods燃料棒: consists of enriched uranium含濃縮鈾. Fission核裂變 will occur in these fuel rods releasing large amounts of energy釋放能量.
control rods控制棒: inserted into the reactor反應堆 to control控制 the fission reaction. These rods absorb neutrons吸收中子 and so interrupt the chain reaction阻礙連鎖反應.
-acts as moderator減速劑 to slow down the neutrons resulting from a fission and make them be captured easily by uranium nuclei鈾核 to continue the chain reation.
-acts as coolant冷凍劑 to absorb heat from the fuel rods and transfer heat to a secondary water circuit through a heat exchanger.
參考: Handout
2006-12-29 12:34 am
其實,太陽所以能夠發光發熱,都是因為其本身是個核反應堆.目前世界各地的商用核反應堆超過430個,供應的電力佔全球人口所需電力的百分之十七。 這些核反應堆利用鈾或鈽的原子核分裂而發電。我們希望它不要利用這些設施,進行軍事用途,例如發展核子武器。

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