
2006-12-29 12:00 am
我們有一個聖誕聯歡會在星期三。我感到十分開心是因為我們可以吃東西和抽獎在今次的聚會。oh my god!我只是抽中一份微小的禮物,但是我都已經很滿足了因為媽媽經常都叫不要做個貪便宜的男孩。

回答 (4)

2006-12-29 12:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
We have a Christmas social gathering on Wednesday.My feeling very happy is because we can eat and draw prizes now the party of the time.ohmygod !I just take out to win a small gift, but I have already satisfied very much because mother usually all call isn't a boy who desires for petty gains.

2007-01-08 11:15 pm
My feeling very happy is because  ←what's that???????
I am very happy because......← is ok........-___-"
2006-12-29 1:44 am
We have a Christmas party on Wednesday. I felt extremely happy is because we may eat the thing and draw in this meeting. oh my god! I only pull out a small gift, but I already very much have all satisfied because mother all calls frequently do not be the boy who greedies for petty profit.
參考: WorldLingo
2006-12-29 12:19 am
Last Wednesday we had a Christmas party. I was delighted as we had many food to eat and a lucky draw in this gathering. Out of my expectation, I got a rather tiny present. But I felt satisified because my mother always teaches me not to be a greedy person.
參考: me

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