Why there is no free lunch?

2006-12-28 11:20 pm
We all heard a saying" there is no free lunch"? why is that? where does that come from? is there any saying like" there is no free breakfast?"

我明白econ d野. 但係點解要specific要用 lunch..唔用其他野去substituted?

回答 (2)

2006-12-28 11:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
中四有讀Econ ge 就會知...
free lunch...就算免費派飯比你,間飯店都要用resources to produce these lunchboxes, such as fuel, raw meat, rice, plastic boxes, etc. There is an opportunity cost in producting these 'free lunchboxes' though they are free of charge.

2006-12-28 15:29:47 補充:
Also when you get the lunch,you still need to wait for it, the time you wait is the opportunity cost of getting the lunch. So it is not free...

2006-12-30 11:52:37 補充:
我覺得...D人講慣free lunch就講free lunch,唔會講free breakfast...相反如果D人講free breakfast...你又會問點解唔講free lunch...所以點都係選一個尼講,D人選左free lunch都冇得解ga...(個人意見...)
2006-12-28 11:24 pm
參考: me

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