15makes~~喺自我介紹資料集裏面 。既 成績表係正本定係副本?

2006-12-28 11:12 pm
如上。喺自我介紹資料集裏面 。既 成績表係正本定係副本?

回答 (3)

2006-12-29 1:02 am
2006-12-28 11:25 pm
根據我以前ge experience,
before interview u need to go back the sec. sch once more to to give the interview fee
at that time the people will get your copy
mayb in your personal profolio u can have another copy
coz the sch will not give back your profolio

that only my sch now,,, not every sec. sch,,u can ask for more info
every sch is different
參考: me
2006-12-28 11:20 pm
You need to bring 正本 , also copy some , to let the school have a record !!

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