
2006-12-28 10:11 pm

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2006-12-28 10:16 pm
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智慧齒英文係Wisdom teeth .
智齒,學名第三大臼齒,俗稱智慧齒,立事牙,盡頭牙, 是口腔最靠近喉嚨的牙齒,如果全部生長出來一共4顆,上下顎各兩顆,一般是於16歲或之後才生長出來,相較於幼兒時期長出的乳齒與兒童時期更換的恆齒,智齒通常是在人類心智已經趨於成熟時才長出,因而得名。在智齒的生長方面,個體差異很大,有的人20歲之前,有的人40、50歲才長,有的人終生不長,這都是正常的。而且四顆智齒也不是都必然會長全,某些人的智齒可能只長1至2顆,有的智齒甚至長到一半就不再生長,這種情況稱為智齒阻生。
Wisdom teeth are third molars that usually appear between the ages of 17 and 24 (although they may appear when older, younger, or may not appear at all). They are commonly extracted when they affect other teeth—this impaction is colloquially known as "coming in sideways." [1] Alternatively, it is possible that wisdom teeth were useful when it was common for humans to lose several teeth to decay by the age when they appear.[2] Most people have four wisdom teeth, but it is possible to have more or fewer. Absence of one or more wisdom teeth is an example of hypodontia. Any extra teeth are referred to as supernumerary teeth.[1][2]
2006-12-28 10:17 pm
Wisdom Teeth/tooth

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