幾條關於eng grammar 的問題..

2006-12-28 8:05 pm
2.eg.I am regretful for hurting her feelings.
2.2feeling countable?why+s?
3.eg.It was originally a factory.
why be後面用adv?唔係verb後面先用adv?(eg.he eats slowly/he is slow.)
4.present perfect/continuous tense有咩分別?why some verbs eg.be,like,want唔可以用continuous tense?
5.past perfect同continuous有咩分別?
6.future perfect/continuous點用?

sorry ,,講得唔清楚, 4.present perfect & present perfect continuous tense 5.past perfect & past continuous tense 6.future perfect & future perfect continuous tense one more question,, is there any future perfect continuous tense? e.g.I will have been doing all my homework by 6 tomorrow.

回答 (2)

2006-12-28 9:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 嚴格來說,不對。請參考以下兩句:
 a) My teacher looks boring.
b) My teacher looks bored.
請問兩句有什麼分別?這兩句句子文法上都沒有錯。不過,句子a 的意思是「我的老師看起來令人沉悶」,句子b 是「我的 老師看起來很沉悶」。

2.1 查《牛津高階英漢雙解詞典》,並沒有 be regretted 的用法,通常我們會說 I regret hurting her feelings 或 I regret having hurt her feelings ,意思沒有什麼明顯分別。

2.2 feeling 作不可數名詞時解「知覺」,作可數名詞時解「感覺/感觸」,意思並不相同。I am regretful for hurting her feelings 用得沒錯,「傷害了她的感情,我深感歉疚」。

3. 必須注意的是,英文的形容詞,只可以用來形容名詞,可作定詞(attributive) 或狀語(predicative) ,例子有二:

Attributive: He has a blue car. (形容詞放在名詞 car 之前)
Predicative: The car is/looks/seems/appears blue. (形容詞放在連接動詞(linking verb) 之後。

至於英文的副詞,可用來形容 形容詞,副詞,甚至整句句子。你的例句中的It was originally a factory 便是其中一句例子。Originally 作「先前、原來地」的意思,可寫作 Originally, it was a factory ,它不是用來形容factory 這個名詞。

4. 英文裡的Action verb 才可以用continuous form。英文裡沒有「我正在喜歡」的概念,只有「我喜歡」,所以某大型連鎖快餐店 I'm lovin it 都是不合文法的。不過,英文裡例有 He is being naughty ,指「他現在很頑皮」,暗示「他平時沒有現在這樣頑皮」,不過這種情況並不常見。

5. Present perfect / continuous 和 Past perfect continuous 的分別:Continuous 有動作持續到這一刻,並有繼續做的傾向。I have been waiting here for three horus 和 I have waited here for three hours 不同,因為前句有「繼續要等」的意思(但不一定),而後者則沒有。

6. 試比較以下例句:

I will have done all my homework by 6 tomorrow. (明天的六點之前,我將會己經做完功課)

I will be doing my homework at 6 tomorrow. (明天的六點,我將會正在做功課)

將來完成式(Future Perfect Tense) 通常會有by ,意思是on or before ,即是「在這一刻或之前」。
參考: 自己
2006-12-28 9:02 pm
哇.. 超多問題.. 逐一為你解答
1. -ed既adjective同-ing既adjectve
e.g. I am boring, so I have no friends
我份人好悶, 所以我冇乜朋友
e.g. I am bored, so I want to play some games.
我覺得好悶, 所以我想玩遊戲

-ed係自己本身既感受.. -ing就係形容某樣野/事
e.g. The movie is interesting 套戲好有趣
e.g. I am interested in the movie. 我覺得套戲好有趣

2. regreted唔係adjective, 唔係所有verb+ed/ing都係adjective
2. feeling有countable有uncountable..伊度係countable.. 指不同的感覺

3. be都係verb.. 所以係後面跟adverb好正常

4. present prefect係講一d以前做落既野但係又同現在有關.
e.g. I have lived here for 10 years.
I have just eaten an apple.

present continuous係指現在做緊既野..
e.g. I am explaining the terms to you. 我解釋緊d terms俾你知.

be, like, want係stative verbs.. 唔係action verb.. 所以唔可以用係continuous tense
stative verb唔係一d動作.. 係形容一個常態...
你唔會話你某一刻中意緊某樣野.. e.g. I am liking reading.. < wrong

5.past perfect同continuous同present perfect同present continuous既分別大致一樣. 只係講緊以前發生既事
e.g. I had just taken a bath at 8pm last night
e.g. I was taking a bath at 8pm last night.

6.係future都差唔多.. 指係講未來既野..
e.g. I guess I will be watching TV at 8pm tonight.
e.g. I guess I will have already slept at 11pm tonight.
參考: 自己

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