
2006-12-28 6:43 pm
mary 係一個鬼計多瑞ge賊..佢盜用左身邊朋友ge身份.去申請credit card...偷左好多野....
此外..係一個好記仇ge人,,雖然隔左好耐..但係佢仲記得當年同佢大學同學-lucy ge係宿舍ge爭執.. 所以佢就殺左lucy. .. 佢係一個好冷靜ge人..殺完人之後..佢即清清理場.. 仲即刻設一個局呃警方.. 佢假設自己被殺.. 然後用左lucy個身份去繼續生活,可惜,佢最後都因為貪心..被警方繩之於法


因為睇書可以學到好多新ge英文字,又可以學到細心d觀察身邊ge事物..同埋分辯邊d係真朋友同假朋友...遇到問題ge時候一定要冷靜.. 先可以解決...所以睇呢本書可以學到好多野!

回答 (2)

2006-12-28 7:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Mary is a smart and clever girl, but she is also a theft. She used the identification of her friend to apply the credit card and make a lump of payments. Nevertheless, she also nourishes hatred. She murdered her university hall mate – Lucy as they had an argument on their final years. She stayed calm after the murdering and set a trap to the police. She pretend to be murdered so as to using the identification of Lucy to continue on her life. However, she was caught by the police finally because of her greedy.

I love this book because: 1) I prefer a detective fiction. 2) The story is started by number of questions. 3) The story line is not that complicated in compare to other detective fiction. 4) It is not a long story as it only has 225 pages. 5) I learned a lot from this book as it has so many implications such as, we have to be self-protective.

I will introduce this book to my friends as it can make us learn more vocabularies and being more observable. Nevertheless, it has lots of implications. For instances, it make me know how to select a true friend. While there s a problem, we must stay calm in order to solve a problem.
參考: myself
2006-12-28 6:53 pm
Last ge thief not auspicious mary department each spirit.. Usurp the left friend ge identity at one's side. Go to apply for credit card ...The left is much wild secretly ....
In addition.. A ge person in order to bear grudges ,,Though it separate it is well been the left able to bear.. But tie Remember being same secondly in that year It is for dormitory in university the classmate lucy ge dispute ge.. Kill left lucy. .. It is every one it is the good it is calm ge people.. Kill perfect person after.. Clear up Qing by.. It is at once been the second set up one piece the offices oh police.. Suppose one's own abate.. Then not by lucy not left it go life of continuing pieces of identity,it's a pity, because the greedy finally.. Restrained by law by police

A book of purpose of my clock
1)Because speak about lasting story book department,I pieces of type already book clock Italy.
2)Make this book ges stories there aren't first on the left piece of doubts beginning ,,Attract me to continue looking askance and falling
3)Well, will the getting simpler too for this book ge story plot.. But and whether well, know too the complicated..
4)This book 225 page.. Size moderate.. Well will be too long
5)Look askance finish copy book.. It is the all right it learn the wild much.. For example: There are the heart which defends peoples
日:mary学部のひとりの鬼どのぐらいめでたいgeの賊を計算するですか.。 左の身のまわり友人のge身 を盗用します。 credit cardを申し出に行きます ...左を盗んでたくさん乱暴だ ....
これ以外。。 つないてひとつへよくgeに恨みに思う ,,さえぎるんで左んでよい我慢するですですか.。 しかしつなぎます 二番目のあの頃同じに覚えた 大学クラスメ-ト-lucy ge学部は寮のge論争か.。 だから 左lucyをころします。 . . ひとつのとても落ちつくge人をつなぐですか.。 ころす終わる人あと。。 すなわち整頓する整理する場。。 二番目の即刻配置するひとつ局あっ警察側。。 仮定自分でころす。。 それから左lucy個の身 行くのは生活を続けるで,残念で,最後も欲張そるだからですか.。 警察側に制裁されるのは法律にだ

2)このの本ge物語始に製造して左はひとりの疑い読む ,,私が引き続き流し目で見て落ちに行くことを引きつけます
3)この本geの物語筋ところで余りにも簡単になる。。 超えるまたところで会議あまり復雑。。
4)もともと本ある225ペ-ジ。。 長さちょうどよい。。 ところで会議がとても生える
5)流し目で見る完本本。。 でよいですて乱暴身につけるのがたくさんか.。 たとえば  人の心を防ぐすべきではないです

私この本私のd 友人より紹介するうとするでいるですか.。
本が流し目で見ることができるのでて新しいgeの英語文字をずっど身につけるますで,また身につけられて注意深くdはge 事物身のまわりを観察するですか.。 同時に埋めてd学部の本当な友人同じなにせな友人ながらを弁論します ...会う問題のge時是非落ちつきなければならない。。 まず解決することができます ...だから流し目で見るこのへずっど乱暴に身につけることができる!
Last copies of book d friend than in I I..
It is can learn book ge word not English not new not many not to look askance , can have learnt there aren't d not careful.. D department's real friend and false friend with is it offer an explanation to bury ...It run into the ges the times is must the calm question.. Can solve first ...Look askance copies of book can learn till much wild!
參考: Dr.eye

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