請問stock, share, equity的分別.

2006-12-28 5:28 am
照字面解, 佢地都叫股票, 但如果用英文寫, 我買了股票, 應該怎麼寫? 股份又叫什麼? 證券跟股票買賣的英文有什麼區別?請大家告訴我stock , share, equity 的用法. 謝謝!

回答 (4)

2006-12-28 9:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Stock 是股票(證劵)的統稱。
I own stocks. (我擁有股票)
I have ten stocks in my portfolio. (我的投資組合內有十隻股票)
Microsoft's stock hits a recent high. (微軟的股票達到近來的高位)

Share 是一股股票,每一股有一個投票權
I own a share of Microsoft. (我擁有一股微軟)
I own two hundred shares of Microsoft. (我有二百股微軟)
I own two hundred shares of Microsoft's stock. (我有二百股微軟的股票)
Some stocks are divided into A, B, and C shares. (有些股票分為A/B/C股)

Equity 是資產
The president owns 50% of the shares. The president has a large equity in the company.

2006-12-28 11:07 pm
如果用英文寫: 我買了匯豐銀行的股票 I bought the stock of HSBC Bank

股票 Stock - Shares of stock (股份) ,Stock Market (股票市場)
股份 shares - per share (每股)
證券 Secuities - 證券是用來證明持有人享有的某種特定權益的憑證
權益 Equity - Shareholders equity: 股東在公司(資產凈值)權利

Stock 亦可解作存貨
2006-12-28 7:36 pm
請問stock, share, equity的分別.
You are right, but there are some minor difference between them:
1/ Stock - this is the right word for 股票
2/ Share - this is mainly indicates the quantity of your stock owned. 股份
3/ Equity - this is general named by some appointed company stock shares, and is not commonly used in stock exchange market. 公司股
參考: SELF
2006-12-28 5:34 am
Stock:(n)1.supply 2.finance 3.farm animals 4. family/ancestors 5.food 6. for punishment
7. respect 8. plant 9. theatre
(v) / (adj)
later tell u more

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