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Stock 是股票(證劵)的統稱。
I own stocks. (我擁有股票)
I have ten stocks in my portfolio. (我的投資組合內有十隻股票)
Microsoft's stock hits a recent high. (微軟的股票達到近來的高位)
Share 是一股股票,每一股有一個投票權
I own a share of Microsoft. (我擁有一股微軟)
I own two hundred shares of Microsoft. (我有二百股微軟)
I own two hundred shares of Microsoft's stock. (我有二百股微軟的股票)
Some stocks are divided into A, B, and C shares. (有些股票分為A/B/C股)
Equity 是資產
The president owns 50% of the shares. The president has a large equity in the company.